❄Winter magic❄

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Walking down the busy streets of the New York city, you just couldn't wait to get home and lie down on bed. You were exhausted from the whole day spent in school and needed rest.

You were so tired that you didn't even notice snowflakes slowly falling down from the sky,meaning that winter was coming. Who knows for how long you would just tired drag yourself to house until you felt your phone ringing

Your eyes widen seeing who was texting you...it was Leo.

That tall blue masked turtle with stunning deep blue eyes and smile so soft it would melt any winter and bring spring filled with happiness in your heart.

What made your heart jump in joy was the text he sent you

'Hey (Y/N). I was wondering if you could meet me at park at 8 tonight? I have something important to tell you'

Stopping at the middle of the street,you read text again "He wants to meet with me...?!" You asked yourself in a bit of worry what was so important he had to tell you.

Feeling the rush of adrenaline instead of exhaustion,you started running over home seeing how close time was ticking 8 o'clock. Tossing your school bag on a bed,you took a quick look over yourself in mirror just to make sure your hair was looking good since you were going to see Leo after all.

Maybe it was a secret to Leo,but your heart new way to well the warm feelings you had hidden under the cover of snow, being too afraid to admit your feelings towards him,but who knows, maybe a little bit of magic might happen during cold winter?

Looking over clock,you saw you only had few minutes but wasted no time to rush out of the house and towards the park,not even noticing how cold it was outside until you came in front of park gate and felt shivers from the cold.

The snowflakes from earlier had numbered up and were now covering streets and park in a beautiful white winter cover. However, no matter how beautiful, it was still cold and you only had thin jacket on yourself, while waiting for Leo to show up.

"You know it's a little too cold outside to only wear a jacket?" Familiar male voice spoke from behind you as you turned to meet no one else but Leonardo himself,wearing big coat and a hat to cover his mutant appearance, but also to remain warm.

You just chuckled trying not to show how cold you were "Heh, cold never bothered me anyway"

Leo chuckled as well before he took off his blue scarf, approaching you "You silly,come here. You don't want to catch cold" he let out a chuckle while wrapping the scarf around you to keep you warm before looking over you "Feel better?"

"Much better,thank you." You smiled before breaking the ice of conversation "So what was so important to tell me?"

Your question seem to bring the sudden nervousness to blue masked turtle who rubbed his neck trying not to stutter "Well honestly...I was just being tired from my brother's teases all day and wanted to meet with you to talk about Space heroes" he admitted hiding his blush of embarrassment

"You seriously made an excuse cuz you wanted to talk about Space heroes?" You chuckled finding it adorable "Well it makes two of us being tired from everyday life. Sure I would love to talk about Space heroes with you" you said and it wasn't a lie.

Even tho you didn't like Space heroes as much as Leo did, you did love to hear the excitment in Leo's voice whenever he would talk about things he loved which were Space heroes as one part of you wished to be on list of things that Leo loved...if only.

It was then when Leo's voice snapped you from your thoughts "In that case,wait until you hear what happened in today's episode-" Leo started as you both went for a walk around the park chatting and laughing about how Captain Ryan is awesome and constantly slapping his crew.

Ending up on a bench,sitting next to Leo,you couldn't help but blush feeling Leo taking his coat and wrapping it around both you and himself

"Here ice queen, no need to tremble from cold" Leo said noticing you shivering as you were walking even tho you didn't want to break a little 'date' just cuz you were feeling a tad bit cold,but now it felt warm enough

"Thank you Leo" you said snuggling close to him as the snowflakes were falling around you. "It's actually me who should be thanking you" he said what made you a bit confused "Why's that?"

"For tonight and in general really. You are always here for me and I couldn't thank you enough for not judging me by my looks or things I like...you're really special (Y/N) ~ Like a snowflake, one of a kind" he replied with a soft smile what only made you blush more while being in his warm embrace

"Well of course...you're actually really special snowflake in my eyes as well- and I'm glad that we are so close...literally" you chuckled as well as Low before his soft smile turned into a smirk

"Do you think we could get even closer?"

That question raised a high hope in your heart - could this be a winter magic that will make winter become warm instead of cold.

"Closer?" You repeated with cherry red cheeks as Leo nodded "Yeah- closer, so that I could call you my lovely snowflake?" He asked smirking as he pulled you closer to himself,your lips inches away from his.

You could feel his warm breath close to your lips,knowing it was now or never ~ it was time to end the cold winter in your heart.

"I would love to be your snowflake"

It was all you said before you leaned closer and your soft cherry lips met his warm ones.

You felt shiver down your spine,but not from cold. It was only the winter magic of a winter kiss so warm and gentle despite the cold weather.

Leo kissed back glad that you were feeling the same until you both pulled away in a need for air.

Snowflakes were falling around you as Leo gazed into your beautiful eyes with a smile
"I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you too Leo" you replied and gave him another kiss on the lips.

It was truly an amazing feeling, romance just like in movies.

White cover of snow,decorated by snowflake.
The two most unique from all of snowflakes were you and Leo, soft lips meeting together in a warm kiss making this winter night truly a magical one.

____________________________________THE END

Winter magic (Leo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now