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                Looking around at the shopping center for wizarding things, my eyes struggle to memorize everything, even with a photographic memory. My father pushes the small of my back towards a shop called Ollivander's.

"Come along now dear, we must hurry." He spoke as though we were on a time schedule.

Nodding my head, I open the doors to the small shop. Hearing the bells, I felt a tingle on the back of my neck. Rolling my shoulders, I glance around at the shop. It was quite dusty and filled from the floor to the ceiling with wand boxes.

"Yes, yes, I do believe that we have yet to meet." A voice calls from the back.

Out walked a man who reminded me of the muggle genius Einstein. I offer a small smile and hold out my hand for him to shake.

"Ryan. Ryan Burns, sir."

He offered a small smile, shaking my hand. "And I am Ollivander dear. Now, let's find you your wand."

With that statement, it began the long process of finding my wand. We had gone through about 70 wands so far. My father had gone out to do some errands around number 25.

"Sir, what if we don't find my wand?" I ask slightly disappointed.

Ollivander shook his head. "Not to worry dear, it's here somewhere-" He stopped as if he lost his train of thought. "I wonder."

He took off towards the back of the store again and I quickly glanced around at all the dust flying through the air. The thought of it made my nose burn. He soon came back and held a single blood-red wand case that looked like velvet. Opening it, he gestured for me to take it.

Picking up the wand, I held it in my right hand. I didn't even have to wave the wand for warmth to flood through me. Starting at my fingertips, it felt like it traveled through my veins and out of my feet. Like a jolt of electricity, but not in a bad way. I glanced up at him with a wide smile.

"I was right. You have a very powerful wand dear." I smile.

I saw that my dad was nowhere to be seen, "Please sir, could you explain the properties?"

He nodded. "Well, it's 9 ½ inches and it holds elder wood." He saw my confused look, "this is not the elder wand, it's just made with the same wood. Such wands are not typically built anymore. It shows that you are marked for a special destiny. It also has a core of phoenix feather. Which you will come to find it has advantages and disadvantages of its own."

I nod and quickly ask how much.

"7 Galleons dear." I nod and put the money my father had given me before on the table*. 


"Ryan Burns"

With those two words, I heard whispers throughout the hall. Ignoring them, I walk with my chin up and to the stool. Taking a seat the hat is placed on my head, falling slightly over my eyes.

"What do we have here? Although, you are not ready to know your true identity. My, it's been a while since I've had one of you. I remember your great grandmother." A voice spoke in my head.

True identity? My great grandmother?

"Indeed. She was very similar to you. Deep loyalty, great wisdom, and severe cunningness. However, I can see differences in you, you are brave, and stand up for what you believe in." The hat paused. "Do you have a personal opinion, because you could fit in anywhere."

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