The blue scales that covered its entire body shone in an oily manner. As if covered in thick armor, those scales had no gaps to speak of. Sword strikes wouldn't have worked in the first place, it would also be the same story for punches. When Jin-Woo's thoughts got there, Kasaka must have finished its own analysis on its prey, because it finally pounced on him once more.

No matter how you look at it, it was a frightening turn of speed, that's for sure. As Jin-Woo concentrated hard, he could now clearly see Kasaka's attack, which was something he couldn't even figure out properly at first. This was all due to the increased agility stat. Just before Kasaka opened its jaws wide and tried to swallow him, Jin-Woo quickly stepped aside and let the attack graze him. At the same time, he wrapped his arms around the creature and caught it in a headlock, then tightened his grip.

Jin-Woo's strength stat was almost at 50.
Incredibly powerful pressure tightened around the snake's main artery, the snake could not escape his grasp and writhed as if in pain. Jin-Woo gritted his teeth and further strengthened his arms. Jin-Woo's body crashed into the walls and the ground, but he never let go of his arms.

'If I didn't raise my levels as high as I could before I came here...' There was literally no end to wondering about 'what if' and 'what could have been'. However, all kinds of thoughts were still swirling in Jin-Woo's head.

If he hadn't raised his level to the limit and listened to Belial... If his strength stat wasn't so illogically high... Then, he would have gone through incredible hell to kill Kasaka. No, he might even have died here. So his decision not to go down right away turned out to be the smartest one. In fact, his choice was the correct one.

Crack!! Accompanied by a rather ghastly noise, Kasaka's skull gave way and shattered into pieces.

[You have killed the ruler of the swamp, Poison-Fanged Blue Kasaka.]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

As expected of a mob boss, his level was raised by 2 after killing Kasaka.

Jin-Woo clenched his fists tightly. "You lied to me!"

Belial smirks, "I was bored, I just wanted some entertainment, besides I didn't lie."

"You did, if I came here without leveling up first, I certainly wouldn't be able to kill the boss." Jin-Woo said angrily, lamenting the fact that he almost trusted this cunning demon.

"You are wrong, even if you fought without going up to level 15, the victory would end up in your hands." Belial was disappointed in Jin-Woo's mistrust, but he never showed how he really felt about not being trusted.

All his life he has been called a liar, even among the demons who usually lie all the time, Belial ended up becoming the demon that no one wanted to trust. Still, he didn't care what others thought of him, because the opinion of those around him was never something that concerned him.

"You see, I don't care if you believe my words, but what I told you wasn't a lie. If you had killed Kasaka, your level would have gone up to 17, the current level you are at now."

When Jin-Woo killed the boss, he only managed to level up two levels, which means if he killed Kasaka with the level 7 he was before, it would be 10 levels. In the point of view of many, he wasted his time leveling up with those simple monsters from before when he could easily level up 10 levels just by killing a single monster. But it wasn't exactly a waste of time, as he did get some items, well, items that are basically considered junk.

"I---" Jin-Woo was going to apologize, but Belial cut him off.

"I don't need an apology, just get your items from the snake, before they disappear." Belial said sternly.

Contract Of Souls I Sung Jin-WooWhere stories live. Discover now