His pout turned into a classic grin when she made a face at him. "Don't call me that. I have a name, use it." She turned, pushing her heel into his stomach, not hard but relaxed.

"Uh, Cupcake seems to fit you qui- Oww! Ok! OK!" He squirmed underneath her heel, holding in a laugh, not wanting to make the situation worse than it was. "Natasha, please!!" Stark's face got red, gasping in laughter.

Natasha's heel subsided and helped him to his feet. They both were grinning at each other, holding in laughs. "You're such a baby for your age, Stark." 

The genius shrugged as they headed for the elevator, towels in hand. "Eh, I get that sometimes, but not to worry I am totally a Man when it comes to ladies-Not a baby." He waggled his eyebrows at her as they waited for the elevator to make it's descent upwards to the lobby, earning himself an eye-roll in return. They had been sparring most of the morning and he was quite tuckered out. She had taught him some good techniques as well as her own personal moves, making him very curious to learn more about his teammate. Then Steve had joined in, that buff beefcake flooring him against the mat multiple times in a row. Obviously Tony thought it was to impress Nat, but he really couldn't tell; hard reading a super-soldier. He was curious, what more could he say?

His thoughts were snapped back to reality with Natasha getting out of the elevator. He followed close behind, scratching unconsciously at his signature stubble. Her red hair came to a swinging stop as she stood in front of the team, who were all asleep in the lobby, TV on. He came right behind, standing next to her. Steve was missing.

Stretching his arms in the air, he yawned at the sight, wanting to join them but he couldn't. He just couldn't; not when he had decorations to put up. "Alright guys, time to get up." He pushed clint off the couch, with a thud. His smile was replaced with a frown as he saw the glistening emerald-colored dart on his neck. Tony bent down, plucking it away, examining it. A drop fell onto the rug, burning the spot on impact. "Shit- Natasha are you seeing this?" 

Turning his eyes, they laid upon the slender built redhead on the rug in front of him. His eyes went to the same shining dart on her neck as well. Whoever it was, who was doing this, was either in the tower or close.. very close. He swallowed hard, looking around to where there would either be a penetration on the windows. His heart quickened when he finally saw it. 

Outside the window, there was a flying drone, a stealth drone to be the looks of it. Tony had a pretty good clue who the target was. He ran quickly putting the windows on complete shut down as he made his way through the main floor to where steves room was.

Stark knocked. Once. Twice. Even a third time. Still no answer, so he kicked the door down, letting himself in. He walked around the room silently looking for clues, stopping at a small sticky note on the nightstand. Steve wasn't in the tower. In fact, he had gone out after he left Tony and Natasha. Four hours ago, to go shopping. 

The genius smiled to himself, rolling his eyes. He let out a long breath knowing steve had gone out of the building. Sitting on the bed he sighed to himself, facing his own reality. He was locked in his own Tower, and why was Steve's bed so soft?...

He woke to a loud shattering noise just outside the room. His heart lept into his throat, scrambling off the bed, he hid well on the other side. A slender built man walked by, his tall frame pausing by the broken-down door. Dark black eyes scanned the room around Tony, who was now laying flat against the floor, looking underneath at the invaders' boots. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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