Chapter 23: The Fae Realm

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<Abby's P.O.V>
When we arrived at the pack house we all scattered going off with our own people. Georgia, Rachael, and I left the boys (and Sierra to explain to her dad where she had been) to hang out and let them get settled in.
"So... it's been a while hasn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah... It has." Georgia answered.

"So what do y'all want to do?" I asked looking around our small group.

"Just hang out I guess..." Georgia said, Rachael nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay we're going to my grove." I stated, grabbing their hands and pulling them along to the tree line.

I shifted and motioned my head toward the deeper part of the forest. Georgia shifted and we both looked at Rachael expectantly. She sighed and a pair of large translucent wings popped out from her shoulder blades.
'So that's what her wings look like...' Aspen said.
'Guess so.' I replied.

When we arrived at the grove I looked around searching for my equine friend.
"WISP!? Are you here?" I shouted.

A flash of light alerted us of the presence of the unicorn.

"Hello mortal." Wisp said.

"Hey Wisp, okie dokie so, guys this is Wisp, Wisp this is Georgia and Rachael." I said.

"Hello Abigail's friends." Wisp said to Rachael and Georgia.

"Um...hi." Georgia said.

"Heeeeeeeeeey." Rachael said, drawing out the e.

After a bit of an awkward silence we stopped staring at the unicorn and I walked up to her, stroking her snout and looked back at my friends.

"Soooo... Do you guys want to go somewhere fun?" Rachael asked.
"Well we aren't doing anything else so, sure why not?" Georgia said.
"Cool, follow me." She said.

We must have looked quite peculiar walking through the forest, a fairy in front, two werecats following her, and to top it all off, a unicorn trailing behind us.

We walked on through the forest, dry leaves crunching underneath our feet. we started approaching a tunnel of sorts that was decorated in ivy and assorted wild flowers, as we entered the tunnel, Rachael's baby blue eyes changed to a glowing emerald green. Her wings have off a soft glow as we entered the dark tunnel and with each step we took, the brighter the chasm became. Glowing mushrooms decorated the the walls and crystals of every color hung from the ceiling, illuminating the tunnel.

"It never ceases to amaze me how dreamy this place is..." Rachael sighs with a slight twinkle in her eyes from pure as utter adoration.

"That's was, Rachael what the Fuck." I double over in laughter.

"Shut your stupid face, fuck child." Rachael scowls.

"Oh don't be mad I'm more awesome than you." I smirk at her in triumph whilst crossing my arms.

"Why don't you guys just shut the fuckupigus." Georgia states in a clipped tone.

"God calm down Satan, no need to be so rude." I reply with throwing my hands up in surrender.

When all of a sudden I hear giggling...the fuck ? I look over at Wisp only to see her laughing while amusement fills her crystal blue eyes.

"The fuck are you laughing at?" Georgia hissed.

"You humans never cease to amuse me." She chuckles.

we walked the rest of the way down the tunnel in comfortable silence just enjoying each others company until-

"Oh there it is!" Rachael exclaimed.

I looked ahead of us to see a glowing green doorway like portal surrounded by wild flowers and vines. Rachael gave me a friendly push through the portal and i felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over my head, next thing i knew i was standing in the middle of a clearing looking over a valley of every flower imaginable, the sky was unimaginably blue and the grass a vivid emerald green, the trees grew thick and beautiful sapphire blue water shone when the sun touched it. all of a sudden a voice sounded from behind me, making me practically jump out of my skin,

"Abby, Georgia, welcome to the Realm of the Fae" Rachael said.


so hey guys, long time no see right? sorry for the super duper long wait.... love y'all...hehe.


ps. sorry for any spelling errors....byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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