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I wake up to groans and y/n shaking in my arms "mi amor" I say trying to wake her up "y/n" I shake her a little making her shoot up and pant "hey it's ok" I rub circles on her back as she catches her breath "take your shirt off it's wet from your sweat" she looks at me with fear in her eyes "I- I- I don't want to" she says till shaken up "that's ok if you that's what you want" I say "I- I- am s-sorry for waking you u- up" she says stuttering.

I remember she told me when she was younger she use to stutter all the time and would get bullied until she was 14 but her dad helped her the day before her pll audition. He told her to say a tongue twister 'he thrust his fists  against the post but still insists he sees a ghost' so that it could stop. It doesn't happen a lot anymore but sometimes it does usually when she is scared or stressed "no it's ok mi amor just say your thing so you can stop stuttering." I say kissing her forehead "he th- thrusts his f- f- fists against th- the p- p- posts but still I- insists h- he s-sees a g- ghost." She says still stuttering "it's n- not w- working" "ok let's go sleep maybe it'll stop then" she nods and pulls off her shirt and then cuddles into me.

I wake up and see y/n looking at me "your such a creep" I say opening my eyes "I -I know" she says still with a stutter smiling "what time did you wake up" I ask ignoring the stutter "I d- d- didn't go s- s- sleep" I kiss her and get out of bed "w- where a- are y- y- you going?" I smile and pull the covers off her "to make breakfast come on" she puts a shirt on and walk with me but when enter my mom is already cooking "morning" I say "hello you two" "m- m- morning" my parents look confused cause y/n has never stuttered in front of them "what wrong with your voice mummy" Landon asks "I- I- I- d-" y/n groans in frustration "it'll get better" I say "m- m- my m-m- mum use to s- s- say th- th- that b-b- but it to- to- took fou- four- fourteen y- y- years" "why are you stuttering like that?" My dad asks "I- it s- s- started l- l- last n- n- night" "have you always stuttered" "I w- w- was a p- p- pre- premature b- b- baby s- s- so I was b- b- born w- w- with a s- s- stutter" my dad nods "so like bill from it?" "Y- y- yes my d- d- dad even t- t-  taught m- m- me th- the thing b- b- bill said t- to s- s- stop the s- s- stutter" "what was it" my mom asks "he th- thrusts his f- f- fists against th- the p- p- posts but still I- insists h- he s-sees a g- ghost." She says "I'm scared of ghosts" Landon says "me to but they won't hurt us" I say kissing the crown of his head "you haven't stuttered in a few months" Paulina points out "why did it start again?" My dad asks "is it because of jake"

as soon as my mom says the name y/n starts breathing heavily and tears form in her eyes "y/n" I say but she doesn't look at me "mi amor?" I take a step forward and she moves back "s- s- stay r- r- right th- th- there" she says "ok I will but what's wrong" she pauses and looks at me "see it's just me" "p-please d- d- don't hurt me" she says "Landon let's go play" Paulina says taking him out the room "I'm not going to" I take a step foreword and put my had on her shoulder " I'm s- s- sorry" she says looking scared "sorry for what?" I ask in a serious tone "everything" I rub her tears away "don't be it's ok but what's wrong" "I'm scared she says without a stutter "of what or who" "j- j- jake" she says "he isn't gonna hurt you i promises" "I see him everywhere. When I close my eyes, when I look at Landon, when someone just says his name but I see him the most in you."

In me? What why? "Is that why you didn't want me to hold you last night" she nods making me scoff "unbelievable. I'm not going to hurt you y/n! I'm not him!" I shout "I'm s- s- sorry" she says with a stutter meaning she's scared "save the sorry they don't help all the time!" Tears start rolling down her cheeks "I- I- I didn't m- m- mean to up- up- upset you" I role my eyes and grab her wrist pulling her up "please d- d- don't Sofia" I look in her eyes and see all the fear "Sofia stop it now!" My dad shouts at me "Sofia this not how we raised you!" I let go of y/n making her stumble back "mi amor I'm sorry" I say as she runs off into  our bedroom "why would you do that? She was already scared and you just made it worst" my mom says "I know ok I just got angry and it just happened" my dad shakes his head.

"That's exactly what she's scared of"

I walk in the bedroom and find y/n's back facing the door all cuddled up in the blankets "mi amor" she flinches when she hears it's me "I'm sorry" i say sitting down next to her "I really didn't mean to scare you" I say but she doesn't reply "you have every right to be mad at me but just please talk to me" she looks at me "i don't want to talk to you" she says turning back around "I know I scared you but I just got angry and it happened" she starts crying "that's what he said all the time he would say he was sorry and would just do it again" I sigh "I'm not him y/n this was just a one time thing" "I know your not him Sofia but I'm not sure about the one time thing." Don't get angry Sofia be patient "I promise you that it won't happen again you can trust me" she looks at me and smiles softly "i know it's just difficult" I put a piece of her hair behind her ear "I'll help you every step of the way" she nods "can I kiss you?" I ask "please" I lean in and kiss her softly "I love you y/n" "I love you too sof"

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