3. MTL To Get Jealous Easily

963 23 6

Most Likely

1. Sihyeon
2. Aisha
3. E:U
4. Onda
5. Mia
6. Yiren

Least Likely

Sihyeon & Aisha : For some reason I get the vibe that these 2 are pretty jealous people in general so I can totally see them getting jealous easily.

E:U & Onda : I think with these two it depends on their s/o. I could totally see them like Mia and Yiren being pretty chill about it but I can also see them being as jealous as Sihyeon and Aisha.

Mia & Yiren : I think these 2 are pretty well-adjusted and therefore would be better at controlling their emotions and their jealousy than the other girls.

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