Solution(Chapter 6)

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(Port Island)


As our protagonist lying down on the hospital bed unconscious, his head is wrapped up with bandage as he was breathing stable

Minako enter the room where the male is resting it's been it's been 4 days but he's still unconscious Yukari and Mitsuru blame them selves as Minako.. She was hurt the most her mind telling her one thing "He might not come back"

Minako: (Y/N) please wake up...

Minako said as she sat beside him and cry

Minako: I don't know what will i do without you!

Minako cried and grip on her skirt as the tears dropping down to (Y/N)'s hand

Minato soon enter worrying about Minako as he put his hand on her shoulder and try comforting her which calm Minako a little

Minato: I'm sure (Y/N) will wake up soon

Minato said and pat Minako's head

Minako: If only we listen to him in that fight he would still be awake

Minako cried and wipe her tears

Minato: There... There...

Minato rubs Minako's back

As the door again open and revealed Junpei carrying fruit basket and a flower for the vase

Junpei: Hey there!

Junpei greet the twins

Minako: Hey...

Minato: Hi

The twins greeted

Junpei: I'm sorry on what happened to him.. If we only came up sooner he might still be awake.. I'm sorry

Junpei apologize to the twins

Minako: No, it's not your fault

Minako said

Junpei put down the fruit basket with Mitsuru's letter on it and the flower with Yukari's letter on it

Junpei: Yuka-tan and Mitsuru-senpai ask me to give this, they don't want to have a trouble on making you mad because of them

Junpei said and smile wryly and sat at the couch as the door again open

Akihiko: Yo!

Akihiko greeted and show a ramen cup noodles to everyone

Akihiko: I figured you all haven't eaten yet so I bring lunch

Akihiko said and put the cups to the table

Akihiko: Any news yet?

Akihiko ask the twins

Minako: Still asleep..

Minako said tearing up

Minato: Doctor said he might be like this over a year..

Minato said and put hot water on two cups for him and Minako

Akihiko: What's your plan?

Akihiko ask Minato

Minato: I have a big request senpai

Minato answered

Akihiko: What is it?

Akihiko ask again

Minato: We have to make (Y/N) out of SEES, I know it's hard without him but I had enough of seeing my sister suffer anymore she almost lost her boyfriend in the fight

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