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"Alright Class dont forget to read chapter 2 for Mondays class and to do homeworks 1 though 3 in lesson one! Have a great day!" You said as the students packed up their things

Ah they can never listen until the very end of class can they. I guess I was like that when I was their age.

You started to clear the whiteboard as you hear someone walk in the classroom, you look over and its Shota.

"Hi Mr.Aizawa!" you say while smiling. Oh my gosh why does he make me feel so nervous? I never get like this. OK keep calm F/N hes just a coworker you met today its no big deal.

"hey, uhh whats your name again?" Shota says

Wait he cant even remember my name?! Does he even pay attention?

"Oh my name is F/N L/N, Your class has some great students in it! Im excited for the rest of the semester" Oh god is that really the best you should think of F/N? Man I wish I wasn't so terrible at small talk.

"Yeah they are quite the-" Shota was cut off by Mr.Yamada


You hear Shota sigh. You look back at Mr.Yamada giving that giant smile of his; knowing he already has the whole night planned out

"Sure why not!" you say looking over at Shota praying he wont leave you alone with Mr.Yamada

"Fine I guess" Shota says looking down and sighing again.

"Perfect! Lets meet at the Sake Bar on 7th Street at 9"

"See you then!" you say as you gather your things and watch them both leave the classroom.

While walking home you were already thinking about what to wear. Your hero costume was a no go. Everyone would know by the black crop top with bell sleeves, double front slit skirt with thigh high boots that you were Architect one of USAs Top Pro Heros.

You get your apartment, throw your papers on your coffee table and immediately go through your closet. Why does nothing look cute?! You think as you push all the hangers one by one. Wait why do I even care if I look cute? A blush comes over your face and an image of Shota comes to your mind. You sigh. I barely even know this man why do I care so much about what he will think!?

As you rummage though your closet you settle for a pair of high waisted leggings, a black crop woven sweater and your black knee high hero boots that hold all of your tools. You quickly touch up your make up, brush though your hair and look at the clock. How is it already 7:40!? You think to yourself and quickly GPS the location as you walk out the door.

Walking down the street you see Hizashi, Shota and a few other heros walking up the street.

"Hey guys!" You say walking a bit faster to catch up to them.

"HEYY F/N, HOWSS IT GOING?!" Hizashi says.

"OMG you're Architect arnt you?! one of Hizashi friends says.

"NO WAY!! Ive seen so much about you!!" another friend blurts out.

"Oh yeah thats me.." you say blushing and looking down at the ground.

Just for once I would like to be known just as F/N L/N. Thats one of the reasons you moved here to get away from publicity like this. If only they knew what behind the scenes of the US Hero Industry was like.

Afraid to love - Shota x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now