I walked downstairs and through the still broken windows of dad's garage. I looked over and saw him working on the suit. I slowly walked over to him and raised my eyebrows in question when he looked at me.

"I'm ending this, once and for all. I need your help to do it," He told me immediately.

"Okay... what," I questioned him in confusion.

"The arms dealing, I'm ending it. I'm putting a stop to Obie's schemes. I just need your help to do it," He told me.

I nodded at him immediately and looked at him with determination. "What do you need me to do?"

"I'm gonna need you and Pepper for this to work," He told me.

I nodded at him and waited for him to call Pepper down to the garage. We waited a few minutes before she came down and stood next to me. She placed her hands on her hips and looked at dad expectantly.

"Hey. You busy? You mind if I send you out on an errand," He questioned her. "I need you to go with Ally to my office. Ally is going to hack into the mainframe and you're both going to retrieve all the recent shipping manifests," He explained to the two of us as he rummaged through everything on his desk. After a few seconds, he pulled out what looked like a USB port and held it out to us. "This is a lock chip. This'll help you get in, and you can also download all of the information to this." Pepper accepted it and looked down at it as dad continued explaining. "It's probably under Executive Files. If not, they put it on a ghost drive, in which case you need to look for the lowest numeric heading." He walked away and started tapping on one of his screens.

I nodded at him and went to start gathering my things, but Pepper spoke up, causing me to pause in my movements.

"And what do you plan to do with this information if I bring it back here," She questioned him.

"Same drill. They've been dealing under the table, and I'm going to stop them. I'm going to find my weapons and destroy them," He explained to her.

"Tony. You know that I would help you and Ally with anything, but I cannot help you if you're going to start all of this again."

"There is nothing except this. There's no art opening. There is no benefit. There is nothing to sign. There is the next mission and nothing else," He snapped out at her.

Pepper stayed quiet for a few seconds before she started nodding at dad. "Is that so?" She went silent again, causing me to dread what her next words could be. "Well, then, I quit."

She tossed the lock chip on the desk and started walking out of the garage. I looked at her in disbelief and then over at dad, begging for him to do something with my eyes. Dad looked at me and gulped before looking over at Pepper again.

"You stood by my side all these years, helped me raise my daughter, while I reaped the benefits of destruction. And now that I'm trying to protect the people that I put in harm's way, the people I care about, you're going to walk out," He questioned her.

"You're going to kill yourself, Tony. You're going to actually cause your daughter to lose her father, her only family. I'm not going to be a part of it," She argued with him.

I looked down at the ground at her words and listened as the two of them continued to argue on the subject.

"I shouldn't be alive, Ally shouldn't be alive unless it was for a reason. I'm not crazy, Pepper. I just finally know what I have to do. And I know in my heart that it's right," He tried to get her to understand one last time.

Dad looked down and I stayed silent as I continued looking at Pepper out of the corner of my eye. I watched as she kept staring at dad before she sighed and walked forward again. She took the chip lock off of dad's desk and looked between the two of us before speaking.

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