"What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to have the night off," I questioned him curiously.

"I did, but then my Uncle's boss asked him to come here and see if he could talk to your dad," He nodded at me as we danced.

"Oh, well thank you for being my knight in shining armor and coming to my rescue to save me from the dinosaur that is Justin Hammer," I told him with a smile.

He chuckled at me before nodding. "Your welcome."

We were in silence for a few minutes, just gazing into each other's eyes and dancing. It felt like we were the only two people in the world right now.

"I see you finally opened your birthday present," He said with a smile.

"Yes, I did. I love it, thank you. I'm just wondering...," I trailed off.

"What," He questioned me.

"How did you know what my mother's locket looked like," I questioned back.

He looked up and grinned before looking back down at me. "Your picture in your bedroom. When I brought you back home after you were released from the hospital, I saw it sitting on your nightstand. I remembered you saying that you never got anything from her because she left when you were so young. I took a picture of it and had it made for you." I looked at him speechlessly, causing him to have a slight panic come over him. "Do you not like it?"

"No, I love it. It's amazing. However, there is something wrong with it," I told him with a smirk.


"It's missing a picture."

Alex had realization cross his face before he started nodding in agreement. "Oh, yeah, that was on purpose."

"And why is that?"

"Because that last spot is meant for your future boyfriend or husband."

"Oh, you have such confidence in me."

"Yes, I do. Because any guy who meets you and doesn't instantly fall in love with you is an idiot," He told me confidently as he stared into my eyes. I blushed and looked down at the floor before Alex spoke again. "You know, Nat misses you."

I sighed before looking up at him. "I'm sorry I haven't been to see her in a while. It's just with my dad back-"

"You wanna spend as much time with him as possible and make up for all the time you missed while he was missing. It's okay, I get it. Nat does too. You don't have to explain yourself to us. If the only family I had left went missing and then came back, I would want the same thing."

I smiled up at him and thanked him for being so understanding before I spoke up as well. "Speaking of family. Pepper and I actually met your uncle."

"Really," He questioned me in surprise.

"Yeah, he was at the press conference dad called when he came back home," I explained to him, causing him to nod in acknowledgment. "He mentioned that he was the one that raised you." I could feel Alex tense up slightly in my arms, causing me to frown slightly. "Is that true?"

Alex looked away from me and looked around the room before nodding. "Yes."

"What happened to your parents. If you don't mind me asking," I said curiously.

Alex sighed before looking at me. "They worked at the same organization that my uncle works for. They went away on a mission, and they didn't come back." I looked at him in shock as he continued his explanation. "I was 4 when they died. I was staying with my Uncle Phil when my Uncle Nick came to his place and told us what happened. I've been living with him ever since."

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