"Handles like a dream," He told me before flying off towards downtown.

I sat in silence as he flew and continued looking over all of his vitals to ensure everything was going okay. I was broken out of my silence when dad spoke up again.

"Alright, let's see what this thing can do. What's SR-71's record," He questioned me curiously.

"Uh... JARVIS," I trailed off.

"The altitude record for fixed-wing flight is 85,000 feet, sir," JARVIS informed him.

"Records are made to be broken! Come on!"

"Uh, da,d I really don't think that's a good idea. Like I said before there are tests that need to be run, and this is one of them," I said nervously as his altitude continued to increase.

He ignored me and continued flying upward, causing my nervousness to grow.

"Sir, there is a potentially fatal buildup of ice occurring," JARVIS warned him.

"Keep going," Dad called out.

I watched on for a few more minutes before the screen started going static and cutting out. I began typing on the computer to see if I could fix it before the camera went out entirely.

"Dad," I called into my earpiece, but all I heard was static. "Dad, can you hear me" I called out again. "JARVIS, what's happening?"

"The build-up of ice on Mr. Starks suit has caused him to lose power. He is now free-falling," Jarvis informed me.

"Oh, my God. No, no, no, no " I gasped out. "JARVIS, get him back."

"I'm trying, Miss Stark," JARVIS told me.

I waited patiently for a few minutes before the screen came crackling back on and I heard dad's shout of success and happy laughter.

"Dad, are you okay," I called out frantically.

"Sweetheart, I'm great," Dad told me with a giant smile.

I sighed and relief and fell back in my chair. "Don't ever scare me like that again."

"No, promises," He told me.

I watched as dad began flying back towards the house and waited patiently for him to return home. After a few seconds, I could hear his repulsors outside the house and waited for him to fly back in through the garage. However, he didn't and I watched as he started hovering above the roof of the house.

"Kill power."

JARVIS did as he said and next thing I know, dad falls through the ceiling and lands on top of one of the cars. I jumped in fear and his behind the desk with a scared scream when he did so. After a few seconds, I popped up over the top of the desk cautiously and sighed when I saw what happened. I stood up completely and took my headset off and placed it on the desk as DUM-E began spraying dad with the fire extinguisher. I walked around the desk and over to dad and stood next to him and the car before looking up through the hole to see that it led all the way up to the roof. I shook my head before looking back down at dad and shrugging at him.

"Honestly, I'm just happy you didn't crash through my room or land on my car."



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