Chapter One

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     A young girl was born, she was born with a gift, the gift of fire and ice. She had blue eyes and brown hair, her father had fire powers and her mother had ice powers, it was very rare to have two powers. Her mother was terrified that someone would try to take her beautiful child, she wanted the gods to protect her child. She thought long and hard about what to name her, but then it came to her. The new baby's name would be Blair. When Blair was two she started to walk, she started to get her powers her father and mother both knew they had to protect Blair with their lives. Blair had just turned three when her secret bt out. knew Blair had fire and ice powers. That caused stress for Blair's father which caused him to drink. One day when Blair was playing with her toys her parents were in the kitchen arguing. Blair heard a glass break, then a scream. Blair ran into the kitchen and saw her mother on the floor with a broken beer bottle shattered next to her. Blair whispered, ¨M-mother?¨ Blair's father turned around quickly, rage burning on his face Blair was terrified and worried. He heard little noises from her mother and kept asking,¨Why is Mother on the floor?¨ Blair's father realized what he had done, he started to cry and kept saying,¨I-I'm sorry!¨ At that point, Blair was even more terrified of her father,, Blair ran to her room and hid in her closet. Something in her father just snapped. A few minutes had passed then her father came into Blair's room and tried to find her he kept saying,¨Come out Blair, I just want to talk.¨ Blair stayed in the closet scared of what was going to happen, her father said something that made Blair jump,¨You're never going to get away!¨ At that point, Blair's father started throwing things trying to find Blair. Blair's father looked at the closet, Blair was terrified that he was going to hurt her. Blair realized that the only way to get away was to fight back, Blair's father came closer to the closet, Blair's father was about to open the closet doors but then he heard a noise it's at the door. It's Blair's mother, she is barely standing, Blair's mother raises her hand and ice came out of her palm the ice freezes Blair's father, Blair's mother said,¨ That's enough Cole.¨ Blair's mother fell down, Blair runs out of the closet towards her mother and yells, "Mother! A-are you ok?!" After that day Blair never trusted her father again, Blair wouldn't even go near him, she didn't even call him father. When Blair was at the age of five both her parents died in a fatal crash, Blair lived alone in that house till she was eighteen. Blair started to train, helping her power grow her nineteenth birthday was coming up she was training because people kept chasing her trying to take her power, but the only way to do that is to kill that person. Blair didn't know the fight ahead of her.

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