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When they got back to the guild, everyone there greeted them.

The three sat down before the barmaid came to serve them with food and drinks.

Sting and Lucy tried to poke Luna into telling more about her secret mission, but the more they tried, the more they failed. So eventually thru gave up.

Luna on the other hand, gathered all the information she needed about the right people to ask for help with it. And afterwards focused on the two, observing them, and reading the mood. Despite her clumsy personality, Luna could be pretty smart. If anything, she enjoyed this secret task.

"So, now that we know some information about what danger lies ahead, we should tell the others and make a plan. We can't just let them be. But according to Luna, their magic can be a problem. Without much information on what it is, I'm afraid we can't take the proper measures. What's your thought on it, Sting?"

"Hmm, maybe we should try to get some information on their magic. The tricky part is to find them though. And if they're after Luna's power too, we can't let her free to be captured."

The two thought on how could they find and see what magic the mysterious mages possessed.

Lucy sighted. "You're right, but I hope you haven't forgot what you promised me earlier, Sting~", Lucy stopped him."I'm afraid staying inside will have to wait. You did promise me a mission."

Sting remembered. "Oh, you're right. I guess I do owe you that for the trouble. Well then, let's see what we can do about that." Sting got up to get to the mission board when Rogue just walked in, back from town.

"Perfect timing, Rogue. Let's go in a mission. Promised Lucy-san here to repay her for helping with Luna. "

Rogue's reply was a sigh. Somehow he expected Sting to lose Luna and trouble Lucy with it. He reluctantly agreed and looked with Sting for an appropriate mission.

Once decided upon one that offered a great deal of coins, they set off towards their destination, with Luna after them. She'd be safe at the guild, but nobody had the time to keep an eye on her and Sting didn't want to drop his responsibility for her on anyone, so they mutually agreed that it was best to have Luna come with them. It would be also a new experience for the dragon, to see how mages and guilds worked.

The town that issued the request was not far away, so this time they chose to walk the distance. With the good weather they had and a good breeze, Luna wanted do much to take flight. The others were a bit reluctant, as it might draw unwanted attention. Plus, if any townspeople would see a dragon, they would panic.

The dragon held herself in control for a time, but the call was too strong in the end. Luna ran ahead and jumped into the air and turned into a dragon midjump.

Unlike least time, Luna's form was larger. It shocked thrm to see how large she was as a dragon. Compared to the dragons that used to inhabit the world, she was triple the size. If the dragons would be alive, they would look like children next to her.

Luna didn't care for who saw her, she was busy enjoying the breeze in the clouds.

"You should join me! It's really great up here!!", she told them whole she spinned in the air.

"...Oh she will definitely get noticed this way. What I don't understand is how is Luna larger than before.", Lucy spoke, puzzled. All of them were puzzled by that in fact. That's until Luna shrunk her size to the one of a cat.

"My kind can change their size at will, he he. The large form you saw earlier is my actual size."

"That's really awesome!! But try to get unnoticed for now, Luna. We don't want to cause unnecessary trouble.", Sting spoke while still excited and wondering what else the dragon could do.

Light, stars and the Starlight dragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora