Chapter 1: A Lovely Birthday

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(Author's Note: this chapter onward, unless i mention the traveler in the village, will be the main story that he is telling. Italics are either thoughts or past events being explained. Just to let you guys know)

Deceit's pov

I woke to the sound of birds chipping outside my window as the early dawn light began to shine above the roofs the the many buildings of the city of Lighnir. Yawning, I stretched and sat up, smiling softly to myself as I made it out of bed, pulling my small cloak closer to my body to keep warm, my horns feeling the cold, brisk air as the autumn was beginning to turn to winter.

Walking carefully toward my window, I felt a smile form on my face as I looked out, leaning on the balcony as I watched the sun rise and listened to the sounds of the city below, my eyes able to see things clearly as if they were right in front of me. I saw the baker opening his shop to let the people come to buy bread and pastries. I saw the miller's wife making her rounds delivering milk and cheeses to the houses. I saw the children waking up and running about the streets in glee, happy to just be free to run around. I saw the dogs and stray cats wandering around the alleys and streets, eating what they could. I saw it all.

I smiled brightly, my golden eyes watching in awe as I watched the people below, the many scents and sounds also reaching me as I looked around, content to just watch from my room up here in the church.

Shivering slightly at a strong gust of wind, I made my way back into my room, heading for my small bed and reaching under it, pulling out a small doll that Master Patton had been kind enough to give me. It was rather crudely made, with rough cloth for the making, clothing, and hair made of yarn; but it was one of my greatest treasures. Carefully, I hugged it, sighing softly in content as I smile softly, lightly petting the doll with my long, thin fingers.

Hearing footsteps coming up the steps to my room, I put the doll back and look over to the door, hearing the door unlock and open as Master Patton and Pastor Logan came in with breakfast. Grinning, I got to my feet and hurried over.

"Good morning, Master Patton. Pastor Logan." I say cheerfully, smiling brightly up at them. I was still so young; having only almost reached 10 winters human years. But for me, I was almost an adult despite my small frame and size. Logan nods in greeting to me, setting the food down on my small table on the other side of my bed.

"Salutations, Deceit. Please make your bed and then you may sit." he says, smiling softly to me. I nod quickly and go to make my bed as Patton sits down, his hands clasped in front of him on the clean table while Logan sets out the food. When I finished making my bed as I had been taught, I sat down eagerly, my stomach growling slightly as I waited for them to begin prayer; always having to say prayer before eating. But, I enjoyed when they came to share meals with me. Well, Logan did it always unless he was leading Mass and Prayer; but it was somewhat of a rare treat for Patton to eat with me nowadays since he was always so busy with his duties of a judge.

Clasping my fingers in the motion of prayer, I listen in silence as Logan whispers the meal prayer, my eyes closed as I follow suit, my lips moving wordlessly. Patton also sat in prayer, all of us stopped when Logan finishes and splits the food for us all to eat.

Smiling, I wait my turn as I watch the two men. Patton was my adoptive father, having taken me in when my parents died. Logan was also like a parent to me, as he always made sure I was well, and that I was not too lonely in my solitary room. Logan spent most time with me too, so I knew how to speak to him better; and he was also my teacher in many subjects.

Gaining my food, I began to eat, silently wishing that I could have more. But I never asked for more, only taking more when it was offered; as I was taught from a young age that greed was a horrible sin to commit. But...I felt my body ache for more food, knowing that my stomach was never full. But, I was also small, being the apparent size of a small 14 year old despite me technically being older due to my dragon blood.

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