(2) secrets have to be told

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Sans wasn't that happy about Edge and Fell still staying over, so he tried his best to ignore the two rough skulls. While Fell was hanging around at his place he would be at grillbys place from morning to night. A couple days later Fell started gaining a few feelings for sans more and more while the days, even weeks past. He would quietly move closer to Sans while he was sleeping.(bit creepy if I say so myself)
"So small~" I whispered quietly. I would move an inch closer to Sans so I could see how small he would look like if he was my little spoon. After turning back over to the other side cause I don't wanna give a chance like that up again, I slowly felt something small, shaky and cold wrap around my chest (rib cage)"Huh!?"
Slowly spinning my head around I could see that sans was freezing cold. I wrapped myself around him and then magicked my jacket over to try and warm him faster." Heh...you'll find out sooner or later~" I said in a soothingly voice.
Early at night Sans had awakened from his most possibly horrible dream he has ever had. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" He screamed. He had awakened Fell from his most beautiful mustard dream(no judgement please I didn't know what fell would dream of), fell looked at him in shock seeing one of his most loved one scream and cry in terrible pain. He grabbed sans by the wrists and stared straight into his lit, tearing, wide eyes as deep as possible to make sans calm down. "Sshhh, no need to cry. Your not alone, your not alone sans." He said smoothly. Sans quickly fainted after calming down and slowly stop tearing up. He was sweating. Sweating and groaning a lot (not sexually).
" He'S sO cUtE!!!!!!" I thought. I wrapped my arms around sans to stop him from flinching. He slowly started stopping but once morning rose.... I got kicked right in le Skele balls (TvT)
"E-eh! f-freck you sans!" I whispered in a cracked voice. I think I saw a small, little smirk come from sans, but I wasn't sure cause this happened to me before and I couldn't quite see very good.
I heard fell say freck you to me so in revenge.. I'm probably gonna slap him in the face next after his balls calm down.(I'm sorry I just had too) "your lucky your cute shortie" he said tease fully. "OK YOUR GONNA GET IT NOW YOU LIL BI-" I screeched. I hopped onto him and we pretty much rolled off the bed, I kept hitting fell cause I landed on top of him. I was actually pretty embarrassed at the same time about him calling me shortie and the pose I was in.
"STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!!!" I said while punching him anime like.
"IM NOT THAT SHORT YOU OVERGROWN, GRUMPY SKELEDOG!!!" Sans yelled in anger. "OOKAY OOKAY! GET OFF ME YOU SMALL, BLUE POTATO ROLL!!" Fell said while overpowering sans by pushing him off.
H-HEY!! Sans stuttered loudly. Fell started getting a few thoughts randomly pop up in his skeleton brain, he pinned sans against the floor squeezing him with hugs and nuzzles. "E-eH!!!" Sans lightened with shadings of blue growing all over his face.
Fell starts nibbling gently on classics shoulder.  , " Num nom num nom num nom~"
"YOUR SUCH A BIG JERK FELL!!" I said while teleporting back on top of the bed. He pounced up on the bed and flopped right onto me. I actually think I gained feelings for someone again, and I kind of liked it.
"UUUGGGHH!!!!!! wHaT tImE iS iT aNyWaY? I said weirdly. "Oh it's- HOLY FRICK ITS TWO IN THE MORNING!"
Fell screamed. I checked my phone and it said it was two in the morning. I almost forgot that I ever had a nightmare or even went too sleep. "Wait......do you hear that?" Fell whispered. " here wha-....." I whispered, I thought fell was playing tricks on me but I could here a very familiar voice talking to someone downstairs. It sounded like....papyrus?
Me and fell snuck downstairs to our surprise, it was papyrus and Edge having a little argument with each other.
"EDGE!!! OUR BROTHERS WOULD OF HEARD ME DOWN HERE!! Papyrus roughly screeched. Edge walked up to papyrus and lifted him onto the couch. "Does it look like I care?" He said in a low grouchy voice. "EDGY ME!!!!" Papyrus squeaked softly. Fell and classic stared at them like " WtF aRe ThEy DoInG?". "WHAT THE (family friendly...) IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!" Fell screamed in a high pitched voice. Paps and Edge glared at them like they were never gonna see again." Uh-uhm s-surprise....heheh. Papyrus said with a small chuckle.

Too be continued

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