How you meet (male characters)

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My tiny notebook is literally filled with so many scenarios and one-shot ideas-
But I have so many scenarios written in it XD
I've been wanting to make this for so long and finally decided to suck it up and ask if people wanted it and they did so yay!! I hope you enjoy the scenarios!

Oh! Spoilers! Spoiler warning!

Amane Yugi (Hanako):

You hummed a sweet tune as you skipped your way to Mr.Tsuchigomori's classroom.
"Spiderface! Spiderface! Oh, Mr.Spiderface, please tell me something new!" You giggled as you stood in front of the classroom door.

"Mr.Spiderfa. . .ce. . ." You called out but your voice quickly died down. Tsuchigomori's head snapped towards the door as well as the dark-haired boy's. He was covered in gauze and in Mr.Tsuchigomori's hands were medical supplies. You felt awkward and started to slowly shuffle out of the door.
"O. . . Oh, should I come another time?" You say as you turned around and began to walk out the door.

"Wait, (y/n)! Perfect timing. Come here and I'll introduce the both of you." Tsuchigomori said as he gestured towards the chair next to the boy. You frowned but complied as you shut the door and made your way towards them. You took your seat and turned your head towards the boy curiously. He had black hair and kept his head low and looked at his hands.

"Amane, this is (y/n), (y/n) this is Amane." Tsuchigomori introduce the two of you as you excitedly turned to the boy.

"Hello! It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Spiderface-favorite-student!" You giggled as Tsuchigomori shouted at you. Amane smiled softly and looked up.

"Nice to meet you too, (y/n). . ."


Tsusksa Yugi: (why is he so hard for me to write-)

You floated down the hallway in a hurry as your eyes scanned every door and person. You were muttering something about being late before your eyes landed on the person you were looking for.
"Yashiro!" You called out to the girl. She turned her head to look at who called her name and saw you.
"Ah, (y/n)!" Yashiro squealed excitedly as you floated over to her.

"Sorry, I was looking around! I didn't mean to lose track of time," you apologized. She waved you off and bang walking towards the garden as you followed behind her. You smiled at the sight of the garden, you were glad they kept it and made it a bit bigger.
You tried to help as much as you cool but you soon got distracted. You saw a unfamiliar figure in a classroom and frowned. You walked away and into the building as Nene was to busy with the vegetables to notice. You made your way to the classroom which the boy was in and stopped at the door.

He had black hair and was wearing clothing that proved he wasn't a student at the school. You frowned and your eyes slightly narrowed at the boy. You hear him giggle and you rose a eyebrow before planting a smile on your face.

"Hello?" You called out to the male. He turned around with a large smile plastered on his face. You were slightly taken aback by how familiar he looked. He looked a LOT like Hanako and you mentally face palmed. That's right, Amane had a twin.

"Hello!" He greeted back as he fully turned toward you. He was so energetic that it was contagious. You smiled and stepped in the classroom.
"I don't believe I've seen you before, who are you?" You asked curiously as you bounced from foot to foot. He blinked before he snatched your hands and held them which caused you to freeze in place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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