Stitch! The Movie 2: Leroy Destroys (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"See? I told you its name was Chopsuey!" Reuben said.

"I never said anything!" Gantu said.

"Yeah, so anyway, we're warning you," Reuben said. "We'll try to get them before you guys can. But stay alert."

"What do we do now?!" Lilo asked.

"What I would like to suggest is... you guys still have your spaceship, right?" Reuben asked. 

"Yes, but it is..." Pleakley said. "Bed and Not Breakfast..."

"What?" Reuben said. "You guys turned it into Bed and Breakfast?"

"Only, we are not giving breakfast," Jumba explained. 

"Do you guys have customers right now?" Reuben asked. "We're going to need more blasters from the battleship in order to outnumber them."

"Not to be worrying," Jumba said. "No customers tonight, he-he-he!"

"Thank goodness we don't have anyone right now," Pleakley said.

"Yeah, get that prepared and prepare to fight back," Reuben said.

"Got it!" Pleakley said.

"There they are!" Reuben noticed the ship just before they entered Earth's atmosphere. 

"All right, you troublemakers..." Gantu said as he prepared to blast.

"Hey, who is that?" Chopsuey asked as he checked the back of the spaceship. It was Gantu and Reuben who were approaching them and trying to malfunction their ship. 

"Get rid of them!" Dr. Hämsterviel squeaked. 

"With pleasure," Chopsuey said as he fired the blasters. 

"Oh, no you don't," Gantu said. "Hold on!" He warned Reuben and aggressively took a spin and turn so that he can avoid the plasmablasts. "Come to papa," Gantu said as he launched multiple projectiles at Chopsuey's ship. 

"How cute, shark head," Chopsuey said as he pressed the forcefield button that surrounded the ship. "Let's see how you can handle this."

"What the-" Gantu said as he saw the forcefield diminishing all the projectiles at contact.

"Ah, that must be the new forcefield that people have been developing to protect the incoming projectiles," Reuben said. "Impressive. It can block the missiles of your spaceship."

"No time to be impressed, Reuben!" Gantu said. "I'll get you guys in my hands, you evil gerbils and you little trog."

"Get him! GET HIM!," Dr. Hämsterviel squeaked angrily. 

Chopsuey evilly laughed as he pushed on the handle to glide towards Gantu and Reuben. Doing so, he spammed the button to file multiple projectiles at Gantu.

Gantu managed to dodge all... but one. It did not do much damage, but it caught Gantu and Reuben off-guard as the plasma hit the front window of the ship.

"Whoa! WHOA!" Reuben screamed as the ship flew and spun in the direction that they were not aware of.

"BRACE YOURSELF!" Gantu said as he gripped hard on the handle.

"HAHAHA!" Chopsuey, Dr. Hämsterviel, and Dr. Habbitrale evilly laughed as Chopsuey hit their ship. They were celebrating for a while until they realized that they were celebrating a little too early. "Oh no..." Chopsuey said as Gantu's ship was right in front of their ship. They could not dodge it. They had to brace themselves for the impact, which none of them were prepared. Gantu's ship hit forcefully on their ship.

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