little girl

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Little Girl

Little girl sees that's something's wrong she try's to fix it but little girl gets yelled at, little girl try's to do her best but to her parents never dose, little girl is always smiling and laughing but on the inside she dying, little girl try's to have fun but later only gets yelled at, little girl it tired of being yelled at and sad but never shows it, little girl sees a blade one night but that night she doesn't have the courage, little girl has the blade but always hides it, little girl one night finally cuts herself and she feels like now there is a escape from the sadness, little girl hides her cuts by always wearing sweaters or bracelets, little girl is happy for now with her little secret but later someone finds out, little girl now get bullied but no one sees, little girl goes home to cut but there is no blade it's gone and she does not know were, little girl always gets bullied but she doesn't care now bc she knows soon she will be in a better place, little girl goes to school but not for learning but to clean out her locker after school, little girl does not know that there was a boy there watching her clean out her locker until he finally gets the guts to ask, little girl doesn't know how to respond but instead just slides down the lockers onto the floor and starts to cry, little girl fells a pair of arms wrap around her she looks up to see the boy holding her, little girl asks "why are u doing this" the boy answers "bc I know what's going on I was in this same spot last year till I meant this girl and she changed my life", little girl asks if he would tell her what girl saved him and his only reply was " you", little girl goes home that night but does not kill herself instead she goes on a date with the boy

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