01 | train to busan

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It was a week before the spring semester started, and on the road to Busan it was raining. Little raindrops streamed rapidly down the windows of the pink vintage convertible, descending from the cluster of grey clouds that followed them overhead.

"It's like the sky is crying," Donghyuck complained from the passenger seat, which he had slid far down into so he didn't have to look at the rain so much.

He had graduated not only from high school, but also from the back seat to the front - because allegedly he was the only one 'qualified' enough to choose 'actual' music to play through the stereo.

"Don't say that," Jaemin told him sharply, poking him in the head from behind. "We're all already on the verge of tears."

"But it's true!" Donghyuck objected. He stated hatefully at the rain through the windscreen wipers. "The sky must be having a really shit day, because it's been three hours and it hasn't stopped fucking raining."

"Hyuck," Taeyong chimed in, eyes on the road like the responsible driver he was, "You're supposed to be bringing the mood up, not down."

Donghyuck sighed. "I'm just saying, I'm fed up of the rain."

"But the rain is a blessing, Hyuckie," Taeyong reminded him. He was starting to sound a lot like the yoga instructor of the class he'd recently started going to with Jaehyun. "Without the rain, we wouldn't be able to eat. Nothing would grow."

Donghyuck considered this for a moment, and then nodded. "I suppose," he begrudgingly agreed. "Speaking of eating, do they have a KFC in Busan?"

Renjun let out a loud scoff. He was stuck in the middle seat as always, managing to get a quick sketch in even with the high speed of the motorway. "Of course they do, you idiot," he replied. "How else do you think I'm going to get you to come down and visit me?"

"You don't need to bribe me with KFC," Donghyuck said quickly, turning his head to look at the three in the back. "I'll visit you more than Jeno will, probably."

Jeno didn't have anything to say to that, because he was fast asleep with his head on Renjun's shoulder. He'd always had a knack for being able to sleep anywhere, and it was proving useful in the long car journey to Busan Arts College.

Renjun was the only one of the four leaving the general Seoul area, taking the big leap to move all the way down to the south coast of the Korean peninsula. After the last few months of high school, he'd decided it would be good for him to move out and experience the independence of living away from home. Plus, with his mom still being weird after finding out about his sexuality, Renjun was glad to be making a fresh start without having to worry about her.

The only thing that made him want to turn around and head back to Seoul was the thought of leaving his friends behind... leaving Jeno behind.

"I'm sure Renjun will be just fine," Taeyong assured them all, "and to answer your question, Hyuck - yes, there is KFC, and yes, we can stop by for food."

Donghyuck gave a fist pump and exclaimed, "Yes!"

"Jaehyun would've said no to that," Jaemin observed. Taeyong caught his eye and winked.

"That's why Taeyong is the better hyung," Donghyuck said matter-of-factly. He started rummaging through the glove box, flicking through Taeyong's CD collection. "Shit, you've got MJ's greatest hits?" he gasped, immediately slotting in the disc and pressing play.

Taeyong laughed. "You might find it hard to believe," he said, "but my music taste is a little wider than just the entire Troye Sivan discography."

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