kawaii desu onii-sama!!~

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it was a hot evening in georgia, and mr. page was dying to get something other than a tux on. currently, it was 3:56pm, and he was teaching 6th graders how to blow into the loud instruments. he sighed, getting annoyed.
"no, no, nO!!! thats NOT how you play high f on a trumpet!!" mr. page yelled. mr. thomas heard the yell as he was walking away from the orchestra room, and walked towards the commotion.
"robert, whats the problem?" mr. thomas stated, worry in his eyes.
mr. page sighed once more, looking at mr. thomas.
"gerald, you're not supposed to call me my first name in pubLIC!!" robert screeched.
then came in mr. white, holding a computer in his hands.
"what.. the fuck?.." mr. white muttered.
mr. page blinked, before stating something he shouldn't have..

mr. white x mr. page x mr. thomasWhere stories live. Discover now