The Cliche Transfer Student Scene

Start from the beginning

It's not like they could just ask if she were actually a student here or not right? And she just said that she was a transfer student.

Although there was no news of it, it could be that the teachers have yet to say it.

They all quieted down when their homeroom teacher has finally arrived.

However, the teacher's eye widened when he saw the transfer student.

With a surprised look, he smilingly asked the transfer.

"Miyamizu-san? Why did you go to school today?"

Not only the whole class was surprised... unbelievably, even Ayama-chan herself.

"Eh? Was I not supposed to come today?"

Now the whole class was lost.

"Ah. It's not that Miyamizu-san... it's just, didn't you just arrived here in Japan yesterday? The principal gave you at least a week to rest and organize your things since we know you live alone."

"Ah... it's fine. I just finished taking care of my new home yesterday so I thought I could get to know my classmates now. The principal said I can go anytime too."

The teacher visibly sighs as Ayama only smiled cheekily.

"Well, if you say so. And it looks like you introduced yourself already. Go take some available seats."


With a hum, she headed to an empty seat next to the window.

And soon enough, the class started as some stole glances to the cheery female.

Lunch came and Ayama was approached by a lot of students wanting to introduce themselves.

Saiki, who was, unfortunately, the seatmate of Ayama, didn't know if he should be thankful or not since all the students' attention was on her's, but now there are a lot of students near him.

Even after watching her interact cheerfully with the class, Saiki still feels something off about her.

He was yet to see if her smile was genuine at all.

And it was making him suspicious of her.

When he was looking at her, Ayama looked back and waved 'hi' with a wide grin.

Yare yare, this girl is giving me a headache.

Nendou also approached her in a casual manner, "Oi, pal, wanna get some ramen?"

"Ramen? Is it something you eat?" Ayama asked curiously making the other students gasped.

"Eh? Ayama-san, how could you not know ramen?" Nendou asked.

"Ahh... I ju-"

Ayama was about to answer when it was Kaidou who retorted Nendou.

"Oi! Nendou, she just arrived in Japan! Were you not listening earlier?!"

"Oh! Eh, pal, wanna try some ramen?"


Her bright smile actually brought the same effects Teruhashi has on everyone.

Teruhashi, who has been irked by this, also approached the group with a sweet smile.

"O-oof, Teruhashi-san!"

"Ah, hello, I'm Teruhashi Kokomi. Nice to meet you!"

"Miyamizu Ayama, nice to meet you too, Teruhashi-san."

"Ah, you can just call me Kokomi. I won't mind."

"Okeh, then Kokomi-tan will call me Ayama too."

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