Dea'a Talahma

181 53 60

22 /September 2015

It was late at night when the news spread about the explosion in the highway in kharasa town south Alkhalil city (Hebrew), and about the death of a young man.

That young man is Dea'a Talahma who became since the explosion until now a name connected to the uprising, which took place in Jerusalem 10 days after his death.
Which made him the prophecy of the uprising and it's flame.

Dea'a made a trap for the Israeli forces, he set a wall of bricks in the Israeli soldiers way  so he gets to throw his bomb at them.

Unfortunately this time the bomb exploded while still in his hands which lead to his death.

Hours after his martyrdom the name of Dea'a has reached every Palestinian inside and outside palestine,  a young man with a charming personality and strong voice as you can see in his videos which spread worldwide, he wasn't just an unknown martyr in history.

He was an example for the successful young man in his work and study loved by his friends and family and everyone who knew him, the relegiouse ressisstant who knew that the ways of jihad and freedom from the occupation is clear and one, and can only be done by fighting back.

Dea'a mother pov :

Dea'a was a fun person, always making jokes and laughing, a time spent with him would certainly be a time of pure joy.

But behind this fun character there was another strong and different person from the rest of his brothers.

Before Dea'a's martyrdom he was a 21 years old extraordinary college student, who was a part of the student union and the Islamic movement, he took part as a spokesperson in the national ceremonies.

He gave a speech in the festival that the student sorority held in 2014 in Alyarmok camp, and even after his death his speach was still popular because his words weren't just a written words he reads out, they were the road he took until the day of his martyrdom.

"By Allah's will on your footsteps we will fight"
Those were his words, he prepared for Aljihad by practicing karate,  street fighting weaght lifting and  
Gymnastics in the nearby gym.

Dea'a was special in his life as in his death, he was a warm kind good son to his parents yet he was silent when it comes to his political opinions.

Out of all of my children he was the kindest, in mothers day even if he was out of town, or busy with college, he would leave his college and manage to get me a gift and send me ( Sett_Alhabayeb) song.

Dea'a is the fifth between 8 brothers, he finished high-school with 88% average, he then decided to study Computer Engineering, like his older brother Omer, he asked his father to allow him to study in Abo_deic college, and to live in the dorms so he could learn to count on himself.

In the day of his martyrdom he came home from college to spend Eide holiday with us, when he arrived home his father asked him to go with him to the instruction site that he works at, after that he came back home to find me squeezing grapes to make Molasses, he greeted me with his usual smile then he changed his clothes to go to the gym.

After 2 hours I heard the explosion, the news spread about the martyr on Alkharsa Crossroads, the one in front of our house so I immediately went up to the roof to see what was going on.

From the beginning I felt a tingle  in my heart, but I didn't expect Dea'a to be the martyr, especially that they had announced a different person to be the martyr still I had a bad feeling.

Hours went by until we reached midnight, and I was still watching from the roof, my husband went with the village young men to the explosion site to see what happened.
When they got back one of my other sons told me that there was a chance that Dea'a might be the martyr, he asked me to calm his father down couse he did not know yet.

Half an hour later the Isreali forces broke into our house!
and then we knew for sure that Dea'a was the martyr.
One of the soldiers asked the father to take a look at the picture he took to recognize if the "terrorist"as they say was his son or not.
I was in the other room but when I heard them I unconsciously Zaghartit ( a happy voice like whistling )
To blackmail the soldiers.

When the soldiers handed us his body we said goodbye to him with honest prayers that Allah would accept him as a Shahid (martyr) as Dea'a always wished.
His funeral was huge thousands of people came from  the village and the other villages and his colleagues from college like Mohand Alhalwani who walked on his footsteps and made a heroic mission in the heart of Jerusalem days after his death starting the uprising of Jerusalem.

The recourse of this chapter is philistine Alyom web page.
May Allah have mercy on Dea'a  Talahma's soul and may he rest in peace.

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