Chapter One

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               I suppose I should start with my childhood, but that's not where this story begins.  It was the summer before my sophomore year of high school. My adolescence, the prime of my youth and existence. It was that kind of summer where all my worries went out the window as I sat shot-gun, feet on the dashboard, drumming along to the beat blasting through the speakers. The sun would shine through the windshield at that perfect angle, the one that instantly creates a carefree feeling inside everybody around. 

                Although, I guess the angle of the sun wasn't completely responsible for my carefree attitude that summer. I was in love. I had been talking to this guy online for about a month now. Breydon was his name. Normally I wasn't one to approve of online relationships, but there was something about him. We instantly clicked. Maybe it was his sense of humor I fell for, or his gentle nature. Maybe it was the fact that music was very important to him, just like it was for me. Or it could've been the simple detail that he was indeed my best friend that summer.

                From the exact moment we started talking, it seemed as if we never stopped. We'd spend hours upon hours laughing at the screens of our phones while our families quietly slept. I'd finally go to sleep when I heard my mother waking up for work. But I wasn't even tired. The excitement I felt every time I received a new text message from him was enough to keep me awake for days at a time. He was simply wonderful.

               I became lost in the emotion of my first love. I had faith that it would last forever, even longer than forever if it was possible. Breydon had faith in this as well. He made plans of coming to visit me before the summer was over. I was the only thing he cared about, the only girl whose name echoed in his head all day.  And the feelings were mutual. He loved me, and I loved him. We even fought over who loved the other more. Silly fights though. We'd never actually had a disagreement that we couldn't work out.  

               It was the kind of love that only happened in fairytales. The sort of passion for somebody that people wrote songs about. Our love was a song that I never got tired of hearing.

               He asked me to be his girlfriend on the morning of July 3rd. I of course replied yes in all capital letters, followed by a bunch of exclamation points and some colon-D's. The next day was Independence Day and while I sat by myself on the grass watching hundreds of fireworks illuminate the dark sky, I didn't feel alone. The colors were brighter than I remembered them being in past years. They somehow held more significant meaning to me. I laughed at them and they winked back at me, as if they knew how I was feeling. Everybody knew what I was feeling that summer. It was something that couldn't be hidden.

               July and August were the shortest months of my life. They were also the best. I had waited my whole life for the rumors to be proven true. It was all true! Love, and the Cinderella story about a poor girl being swept away by her Prince Charming. It was real, and it was mine! All mine. Forever.

               You know those mornings when you're awoken by the annoying sound of your alarm clock just to come to the realization that the amazing dream you just had was infact... just a dream? You wish that you could crawl back into that warm spot you left in your bed and continue the dream, create a happy ending, rather than get up and face reality. That's exactly how I felt the morning of August 30th, the first day of sophomore year.

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