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* omniscient pov *

" you can get the bed, I'll get the couch" Randel said, while grabbing a pillow off his bed and heading towards the couch. Jade wanted to stop him and tell him she needed him to hold her tonight like the old times, but she went against it.

They both silently laid in the dark with many things on their minds. Randell was thinking about the both of the women he had inpreganated wondering how could he tell jade without breaking her more.

His intentions was never to hurt her or make her feel like shit. But, everything he tried to avoid actually end up happening. Jade would always explain Yasmine problems to him, and how Marcell was just hell. & Randel then vowed to hisself he'll never be the man Marcell was , and he is slowly turning into him.

Jade mind reverted to Eddie and their friendship. She felt like the friendship was amazing, and no secrets were kept between them. She felt like she could tell Eddie anything, and Vice versa. but things, didn't go as planned.

Both of the overthinkers were getting sleepy, but something was holding them back from closing their eyes and going into a deep slumber. Randell felt the urge to tell Jade about the baby, and Jade felt to tell Randell about her and Eddie little fling. They both knew if they spoke up on what they been thinking about that someone will end up hurt. So no one made the move to spill the secrets they were keeping. They decided what's done in the dark, should stay in the dark until it comes to the light.

The next morning Jade woke up to a smell of food cooking. She slowly got out of bed while wiping the sleep out of her eyes , and stretching . Randell was in the kitchen strolling on twitter while the sausage cooked in the oven. Jade headed towards the kitchen so she could ask where he kept all his hygiene stuff considering he had just moved into this house and it was her 1st time visiting.

" Goodmorning. " she said lowly, while taking a seat in front of him at the kitchen table. Randell looked up and nodded his head, and reverted his attention back to his phone. Jade just tightened her lips together and nodded her head back. She didn't understand why Randell was treating her this way if he was the reason why all this was happening.

But she knew Randell, he would put the blame on everybody but hisself. It was just him, she got used to it for a minute but now it's just getting old. She never deserved anything he put her through, and he knew it.  Everybody knew it, she stayed by his side when he gave her tons of reasons to leave.

Randell felt bad for how he's been treating her. But, he was jealous. He knew she been all in that nigga face , that took her from the club. He secretly would follow them around sometimes, he didn't care how stalkerish he looked. Pissed was an understatement, he felt that she should be at home crying over him while venting to Yasmine. But he knew that jade had left a long time ago, she had no time to dwell and sulk over him anymore.

And truth be told, he hated that. He missed when she was naive and very vulnerable over him. He knew he could run over her , and still come home and lay beside her at night. Indeed she was crazy, and probably would beat his ass and damage his stuff but she would always take him back. She would always let him fuck her senseless, and wake him up to breakfast in bed.

But this pregnancy has had her doing the unthinkable. Which was letting Randell be, and doing her own thing.

" Where do you keep all your extra toothbrushes and things at? " Yasmine asked him while biting on her fingernails

Randell looked up from his phone, " In the bathroom, the shelf to the right. " Yasmine nodded her head and thanked him, and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. While Randell got up from the kitchen table and checked on the breakfast.

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