What happens behind closed doors

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Sky Pov

It was 9:00 pm sky was enjoying a nice cup of tea a tray of mini macaroons  cuddled up on the couch enjoying a good book until she hears a message ding

Ryan:Hey besty

Sky: Hey girl so what's good

Ryan: nothin much I just need a favor

sky: girl it better be for me to be your hook-up shuffer again to Jay house again!!!!

Ryan: no I was wondering if you wanna take a trip to our town this week

Sky:girl spill it why you really wanna go back to that hell hole

Ryan: so my parents and i have been talking and they miss me and they feel guilty

sky:OK gurl that's all have to do like we need to work on you not sugar coding shit and yes I free got nothing to do

Ryan: Thx bitch

Sky: Np would be nice visit green dale see everyone again help you with your troubles attend

you and Kaname wedding of course , go to our old spot

Ryan :Gurl thx also we broke up if you forgot

Sky: I know but it was dumb he proposed as gurl he sill ask me about you like all the time

Ryan: please tell me you haven't told him where I am

sky; No but I think you should talk to him because the said we can take it slow he's a keeper and your one of the cutest ,no pretty guy I know so man up and claim him

Ryan: Hell nah I just wanna fix thing with my family and you know i been through so much

sky:fine but after you get that drama settled you me,sarah,Krystal are going to are spot deal

Ryan: Deal

Sky;cool swing by your studio at 8:00 am so please set your alarm

Ryan: Night sis

Sky:Night Ry Ry

later that night sky mindlinks the alpha about their return

Sky:Alpha I have some news

Kaname: speak 

Sky:sir Ryan planning to return for a visit

Kaname: good to here make sure you get my mate back here safe in  sound or will personally kill you myself do I make myself clear

Sky: yes Alpha 

(Time Skip)

its 4;00 am in morning Ryan couldn't sleep because ever since he left green dale he has been having weird dreams and has been hearing a strange voice in his head that is making him go crazy and through the stress of folding the last of his clothes falling asleep.

Ryan walking around in the wood where he was going to the spot since he was eleven  the hold hang out spot  called phoenix and I was in this beautiful blood red silk tux and their were all my friend around us in a circle on the dance floor and kaname was handsome in a jet black suit were just waltzing while every smiling at first then wolf come and chased them away and when t tried to run they made circle and just growled at me witch made me run back him and just says

Kaname: shall we continue my darling

Ryan: are you crazy we are surrounded\

Kaname: they will not hurt you you're my bride to be

Ryan: what are you talking

Kaname :you're my mate, my queen,my luna 

Ryan;NOOOooooo!!!!! for the last time and you listen good i'm in love with somone else

after that all the wolves run scared like they were told to and Ryan notice that Kaname  eyes turned black and hes speaks in this dominant voice and a growl escaped his lips

Kaname: listen here kitten you are mine I will not let any man have you 

and as he pulls be closer to his chest I start feeling these tingles and I start  to feel good but then I snapped out of it and pushed me away, and once again I here kaname growl

Kaname: you shouldn't have done that kitten

he transformed into a big Black wolf and started chasing me and I'm running as fast as I can then I wake up in cold sweet around heart beating fast.

I get up freshin up in the bathroom soak in a bubble bathe telling myself what I just scene was just a dream just a bad dream but it felt so real

after that I get out tub get my robe on slip into my slippers go to my break room in my studio and get a drink of water still processing this dream that repeats over and over in my head

(Time skip)

It's 7:55 am  sky will be here in five minutes to pick me up

I was just finishing up packing the last of my clothes  and was just walking out of my studio slash home my girl sky was out here in her red hatchback

Sky: Are you ready bitch cause kinda of mention you and everyone ready for to come back and party  gurl so are you ready

Ryan: off course (fake happy tone)

Sky: Gurl you having second thought cause we can just be you me at place watchin netflix is cool  

Ryan: No it's not that I've been having that dream again

Sky: Gurl look here for the 3millionth tme me,krystal, sarah, and the rest of us are not going to die and you are not going to be some queen bride thing to kaname so calm down  ok

Ryan: k

Sky: so lets get these bags in the car cause it's a long trip to get the green dale and im not in the mood to drive so late so lets get moving

Ryan: okay whatever bitch let get a move on

Ryan and sky are on their way to green dale witch is a 12 hour drive from los angelous and they making good time getting their they been driving for seven hours and it was getting dark out and  decided to spend a night at a gas station because we cheap like that and it save us money 

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