11-23-14 7:56pm // And every time..

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And every time he tried to leave, there was that innocent child that tugged at his sleeve.

"Daddy, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, love, just listen to Jason and the others, okay?" smiles.

tears form in his eyes. "Daddy, are you going back to heaven?"

"Heaven?" furrows eyebrows.

"Ashy said that you were an angel from heaven. Sent to protect us because our mommies and daddies were meanies. You don't like it here because people are meanies to angels because they're so pretty and shiny and stuff." grips sleeve tighter. "But you're the best daddy ever. Please don't leave us and go back.."

clenches fist around gun and then drops it. "Alright, kiddo."

beams and hugs. "Thanks daddy! I love you!"

"... I love you too, love. I love you too."

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