"I know what you meant really." She said deciding that they should probably say no more with people watching them.

"Are you here to support Sebastian in his role as race director today Chloe?" Another question was fired at her.

"What's your thoughts on the upcoming court case in Norway Chloe?"

She shot a quick look at Seb after that question, it was no surprise that his jaw was tensed. She wished she'd got her sunglasses handy instead of them being buried in her handbag.

"Have you spoken to Michael or any of his family since the shooting?" A short, pale, ginger haired man joined her side, holding a dictaphone in front of her. Again she looked to Seb, even with his RayBans on she could tell his patience was already near it's end. "What about Mr Cole, has he been in contact? What have you got to say on the images he leaked of you and Michael?" The man tried again. Seb's already brisk pace went up a gear and she was grateful for the flat heeled snow boots she had on her feet that enabled her to keep up with him. They reached the entrance to the slopes and she was beyond thankful for the rep that met them there and the security that stopped the unauthorised press from entering. As the rep checked their passes and then pointed them in the direction of the grandstand she snuck another look at her husband, he'd let go of her hand and looked a little less stressed now but she could tell by his tone of voice as he thanked the rep that he was still on edge.

"This way." He placed a hand at the small of her back to usher her along towards the grandstand. Even though they'd reached a more secure area, he was still looking everywhere, he trusted no one. He slipped a protective arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry." She said, feeling like she had to apologise. Those questions can't have been nice for him to hear and if she'd stayed at home like he'd wanted then he wouldn't have had to have heard them at all. In fact, he probably wouldn't have had to deal with half of the amount of press and photographers if he'd been here on his own.

"Don't be, it's fine." He muttered quietly, leaning in so that she could hear him. "It's not your fault."

"I feel like it is." She replied as they climbed a flight of steps to get to their row of seats. She followed him along the front row, uttering apologies and hellos to the people they passed.

"Well don't." He sat down and watched as she sat down next to him and then rummaged in her bag for her sunglasses. The pure white snow that surrounded them was dazzlingly bright. As uncomfortable as he'd found the questions she'd been asked, he knew it must have felt a whole lot worse for his wife, although she didn't have the fear that he had; that awful, nagging fear that something was going to happen.

"I love you." She whispered after she'd put her sunglasses on and her bag on the floor by her feet. She noticed his face visibly relax at her words but only for a few seconds as he glanced at her and then started looking around again.

"I love you too." He took her hand in his own and brought it to rest on his thigh. He took a deep breath, trying to relax; while he was here sitting next to her she was ok, she was safe.

"Nothing will happen today Seb, I'll be fine." She whispered, feeling his leg starting to bounce up and down with her hand on it. "Please stop that."

He said nothing back but made a point of stopping his leg from bouncing. He was already aware of the tv camera that was pointing in their direction. No doubt the image of my wife is being beamed across various sports channels and somewhere out there is another nut job who wants to take her from me - another one that I'll have no control over, who'll be biding their time.....

"Seb, will you please stop that?" She nudged his leg with her own and he looked down, he was bouncing his leg again and he hadn't even realised he was doing it. "Please try and relax otherwise it's going to be a very long afternoon." He looked at her and nodded, glad that she couldn't see his eyes behind his RayBans.

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