chptr. 2

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Me and Richie arrived to the diner. It was small, and not busy. all i could see was a couple of cars and a few bikes on a bike rack. I'm assuming they were Richie's friends. I never understood why they all rode bikes. like i get they're not old enough to drive but, what about skateboards? They're pretty cool. Or an electric scooter? Something cool. But no, they all ride bikes. I shook those thoughts off as I entered a diner, I saw a few older people scattered around the diner. And then a group of kids my age sitting in a big table in the back. I walked over behind richie since I didn't know them and sat next to him. There was a curly head boy next to me with another boy next to him that had short brown hair. They were kinda cute. There was another girl there, along with 3 other boys. They were all confused on who I was. It caused a bit of anxiety to rise in me.
"Guys, and gal, this is my cousin Sara Bowers.", Richie announced, i gave a small smile only to get a couple in return. I got one from the girl and the boy with a fanny pack, i didn't know people other then cheesy tourist dads use them.
"Wait, did you say Bowers?", The curly head kid asked. Richie nodded and then the kid spoke again.
"So you're related to Henry Bowers?", he asked.
"Yeah.. unfortunately." I mumbled the last part under my breath. 
"Please don't tell me the only other girl in this group is a total asshole."
"What? No, what would you think that?", I asked, someone was about speak but a waitress came and asked what we wanted to drink. After she left the conversation carried on.
"Henry Bowers, he always bullies us. He threw Stan's kippah the other day. He's just an asshole." the kid with the fanny pack answered.
"okay, can we all introduce eachother, because im still confused on who the fuck you are." I asked.
Everyone introduced themselves. The curly head kid is Stan, the other girl was Beverly, or bev. The kid wearing the fanny pack was Eddie and then there was Ben and Mike and of course there was Richie. Everyone except the boy next to Stan who was dead silent the whole time, besides when he order. Only taking small sips of the glass of water in front of him.
"and who are you?" I asked, looking at the boy.
"I'm bi-l-l." he responded, he clearly had a stuttering problem but I didn't mind, I smiled at him.
"Well, hi Bill.", he smiled. "He isn't doing to well right now, his little  brother is missing." Stan whispered to me. I understand why he was so silent, that's so hard. I hope this night cheered him up a bit. The rest of the night was spent with us eating and almost chocking on it because of all the laughter. I really got along with everyone, and Bill actually interacted with the rest of the group. We all grab our to-go cups with our milkshakes and walked out the diner. I pulled Bill as side.
"Hey, I heard about your little brother, just know I'm here for you and I'll try my best to help."
"Th-an-k you. C-an I ha-ve you-r num-b-ber?", The boy asked.
I nodded, taking out my phone typing in his number. We caught up with the rest of the group. Unfortunately, we ran into my brother.
"Wow, my sister is hanging out with a bunch of losers. I thought New York would teach you better.", I just glared at him. He threw his cup at Richie while getting into his car and swerving away. I sighed putting my head on Richie's shoulder for comfort.
I got on the back of Richie's bike and rode back to my house. We all said our goodbyes, as I went back into my new "home". My brother was home and so was his loud friends. His friends catcalled me and made very flirty jokes and it was everything in me not to punch them. I went back in my room and put on my headphones and just scrolled through social media.

lemonade; b.denbrough x s.uris Where stories live. Discover now