Shadow Day Part 2

Start from the beginning

'Momo, you need to go to bed. I won't tell you again.' Aiko spat into the phone. She was not pleased with her seemingly disobedient daughter.

"Mother, please." Was all that Yaoyorozu could muster. By the way her mother answered the phone she could tell everything she thought was just a nightmare really did happened.

'I'll see you in the morning. I don't want to discuss this any further.'

"Yes mother. I understand. Good night."

Yaoyorozu hung up the phone. Tears were clinging to the rims of her eyes. She can't believe her mother is actually coming tomorrow. And if she doesn't show her a good enough reason to stay she has threatened to take her out of U.A. She can't leave. Not now. She finally has friends and a boyfriend. She's finally doing something that SHE wants to do with her life. Not what her mother wants. And she likes the feeling of defying her mother. She's not normally like this, but she can't help but feel like she's finally in control of her life. How else can she defy her mother?

Yaoyorozu was too busy thinking of her own rebellion when she failed to pay attention when she rounded the corner of the 5th floor hallway. She collided with Todoroki and fell to the ground landing square on her butt.

"Yaoyorozu, are you alright? I'm sorry I should've paid better attention." Todoroki's voice was laced with concern for his girlfriend.

"No it's my fault. I should've watched where I-" her voice caught in her throat when she made eye contact with him. He was beautiful. Was he always this beautiful? Maybe beautiful wasn't the right word for him. Gorgeous. Sexy even. Todoroki held his hand out to her to pull her up. She took his hand and he pulled her up. He pulled a little too hard and she fell into him. Her body pressed up against Todoroki's, their faces inches apart. Yaoyorozu didn't know what came over her, but she pushed him against the wall crashing her lips to his.

Todoroki froze on contact. His eyes were wide in surprise. What had come over her? Well, he didn't really mind. Todoroki wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in deepening the kiss. A small moan slipped from her lips from the increase in contact with his body. Her body started to feel warm, specifically her lower body. She started to crave a bit more of him. Her hands started to feel up his toned chest. This was driving Todoroki crazy! His manhood slowly started to stiffen during this encounter. He wanted more of her. His hands move to the backside of her thighs and her swiftly picked her up and flipped their positions. Yaoyorozu was in the air and straddling him against the wall.

Todoroki's mouth found Yaoyorozu's again. His hands were firmly gripping her ass causing a muffled moan from Yaoyorozu. Todoroki's tongue starts to explore Yaoyorozu's mouth. Her tongue quickly tries to fight for dominance. This causes a groan from Todoroki. He wants more of her. His hands roam around her outer thighs and find their way under her sleep shorts and underwear to firmly grip her bare ass.

"Oh!" Was all she could manage as Todoroki found her mouth once again.

Yaoyorozu couldn't help but grind her hips into Todoroki's. He was hard. This was possibly the hardest he's ever been. The friction between the two of them was making them go crazy. Yaoyorozu was starting to soak through her undergarments. Todoroki slid one hand out from her shorts and made its way up to her breast giving it a small squeeze. She gasped. This was feeling too good. They both knew that they shouldn't be doing this in the hallway, but they couldn't seem to stop.


Both Todoroki and Yaoyorozu freeze against the wall. They slowly turn their heads in the direction of the noise to find a stupefied Mineta. He dropped his water making a small puddle on the floor. His eyes were wide as saucers and his mouth agape.

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