Better than me?

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//This chapter was a request from deanlover275 . Thanks to her for the idea. Requests are always welcome!//

Yancys POV;

,,Oh great...", I thought sarcastically as I went back to my cell. Now you might ask 'Wait, why is that a bad thing?"
Well, last week we welcomed a new prisoner and she lives in my cell. I don't know what she's in for and honestly I don't even wanna ask her. One of the only things I know from her is her name 'Jade' She has been going on my nerves since I've met her. The worst part is that she acts nice to others like Bambam, Tiny or Jimmy, so she always acts better than me and when I go to lunch or anything being pissed, they are always like 'what's wrong?' or '-but she's really nice!'

Anyway I now arrived at my cell and who do I see? Right, Jade. Once she saw me she already spat at me:,, Oh~ Look who arrived! The lonely-bottom, no-one believes him, Yancy!" ,,Shut up...", I whispered/yelled. ,,What was that, Yancy~?" I repeated myself loudly, slowly getting tired of her bullshit:,, Shut up! That's what I said." She got stood up and exclaimed:,, Oh~ Is the lonely-bottom-boy angry?" ,,You think I'm a 'bottom-boy'?", I asked, looking at her from the side. ,,Yeah, like come on! You're such a bottom~", Jade spat at me again.

,,Wanna bet?", I asked with a little smirk on my face. Jade replied:,, Try me 'ya bottom!" And with that I walked fast over to her and pulled her out of the cell by her wrist. I draged her into the new bathroom, looked around and luckly no-one was there. I pushed her against the wall and attacked her neck.

3rd POV;

Jade left smal whimpers as Yancy attacked her neck. Yancy turned her so she was facing him. He smashed his lips on hers and licked Jades bottom lip, asking for permission. Jade, of course, denied to see what he would do. Yancy pulled away and slid his fingers into jade pants and inserted a finger into her needy pussy. Jade moaned with her mouth wide open and Yancy took that opportunity to kiss Jade while exploring her mouth with his tongue. A few minutes have passed and Jade had three fingers inside of her.

Yancy finally pulled away and asked:,,'Ya still think I'm a bottom?" ,,S-such a b-bOTtom!", Jade said in-between moans. The next thing Jade knew was that Yancy pulled his fingers out and replaced it with his cock. ,,AAah~! S-so ah~ big!" ,,Seems like you're the bottom one!", Yancy said as he started thrusting into Jade. ,,Aah~" Yancy speed up and hit Jades g-spot, which caused her to moan. Yancy slowered his movements and asked in a deep sexy tone of voice:,, Who is the bottom one?" ,,I-I am!" Yancy went a bit faster, showing that that answer was correct. He leaned down to her ear and asked:,, Who is the strongest here?"

Jane thought and answered:,,I am" Yancy slowered his movements again. ,,N-No! Wait! Y-You are!" Yancy asked one last question:,,What's my name?" ,,Yan-", Jade got cut of as Yancy hit her g-spot which let Jade change her mind:,, d-DADDY! AAh~" ,,T-That's right!", Yancy said, hitting Jades g-spot. After a while his thrust began to get sloppy, signelising that he was close, just as Jade was. They eventually both came and Yancy ended it with a 'look who's the bottom now' before he left.

~Done! Requests are always open, even if you already made one! Anyway I hope you have a great day/night and we'll see us in the next chapter!

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