Lover Adored - Chapter 7

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She whirled around too fast and gasped as pain ran up and down her whole body, just as  Elvar looked at her bruise in horror.

- It’s nothing.

Exhaustion from holding herself up was taking a toll and she started to sway. He was right there in an instant, making sure she didn’t fall over. His touch was gentle but smoldering.

- Sit down, let me look at it.

- I’ll go see Doc Jane…

- Sit.

That commanding tone should not be so hot. And it wasn’t. Nope.

His fingers probing on and around the bruise made her wince.

- I’m gonna bandage it up.

- Doc Jane…

- I’m a doctor ok? I studied this; I know what I’m doing. I cracked your rib. It’s not broken and you’ll heal better once you feed but you need to have it wrapped for the next couple of days.

His closeness made her shiver and it was only then she realized she was only wearing her sports bra. He must have noticed at the exact same time because he briefly looked down to her cleavage and inhaled sharply.

- I ah… need to shower.

He looked her in the eye and she swore she saw his hunger for her. Her fangs throbbed but she refused to let them come down.

- I need to get out of here before someone finds me.

She nodded unable to speak, feeling suddenly shy.

- I can help you after you… ah get out of the eh… but maybe its best if you go to your Doc…

- … Jane. Yeah.

- Ok.

They stayed like that, looking into each other’s eyes, their body getting closer without either of them even realizing.

- I really didn’t mean to hurt you.

- I know.

Hope’s heart was thumping out of its chest, going crazy inside her as she smelled his arousal and eyed his lips, so close to her own.

Their breaths mingled and she turned her head slightly just as his lips touched hers…

The door opened with a loud bang and Elvar dematerialized a few feet away.

- Oh ah… sorry. Are we… interrupting something?

- Janie! Sandra! Hey. Hi.

She looked at Elvar who nodded at her and dematerialized out of the room.

- Oh. My. God.

- Janie…

- Was that Elvar. Or Vix?

- Elvar.

- He is hawt! You were about to kiss him weren’t you!

She nodded.

- Hope you should go see a doctor.

- I know Sandra. I was just about to go take a shower before seeing Doc Jane.

Janie grinned.

- You go take your cold shower. We’ll wait her and then updated you on Mariah’s plans.

Hope looked back at them annoyed.

She didn’t need a cold shower.


Ahgony paced up and down the library as he waited for Darius to come down. They had been scheduled to fight and it was getting late.

He was so annoyed, frustrated and on edge that he needed to kill some lessers tonight. Butch was off tonight which meant that they were allowed to kill lessers old style, instead of just incapacitating them for the cop to inhale.

Which was just fine by him.

- You look like shit.

- Thanks D, I try my best.

- No, I mean it. You look horrible. You’re pale and wrung out.

- Compliments compliments. Keep it up and you’ll make me blush.

- You need to feed?

- Nope.

- Eat?

- No.

He needed Mariah, but he wasn’t going to volunteer that info.

Darius looked him up and down and must have decided tonight was not a night to keep pushing.

Good, because he wasn’t in the mood.

They got in the car and ended up on tenth street. With all the alleys and dodgy clubs, they could always count on lessers being around. They parked behind the Inferno and he frowned at D, thinking this was so not where they were supposed to be.

- You look like you could use a drink or two my man.

- We don’t drink on the job.

- Fuck that. You look like shit, so Imma get you a drink, we’re gonna talk nice and easy about what the hell is bugging you and then we’ll go back to hunting lessers.

They got out of the car and they were greeted by the bouncers as they walked in.

Drinking and fighting.

Not exactly the best combo he thought.

But like D said, fuck it. He could use a friend tonight. And the lessers would still be there tomorrow

Black Dagger Brotherhood Fanfic * C - Lover AdoredDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora