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[Phone call #1]

911, what's your emergency? 

Hello? Hi, yeah ... Um, I live in the Wax Hill neighborhood, and I'd like to report a very foul smell that's in the air 

Ma'am can you describe the smell?

Yes, it's like a putrid odor that assaults the sense of smell and makes the nose curl in disgust from the slightest whiff of it. It's like when you discover meat rotting away in a cooler in the dead heat of summer.

So it's not a gas leak, correct? Have you contacted the Township of Middleton?

Yes that's correct, it's not gas this smells nauseating. I've tried contacting them first but I keep getting a busy signal from them. It has been like that for the last hour of me trying to get a hold of someone there.

Ma'am, if it's not a gas leak then please continue to try and reach township; as they may know what is causing the smell that is affecting your neighborhood.

Of course you can't help! All I wanted to do today is yard work and prepare my garden for spring. But nooo, now I have to stay indoors on this beautiful fall day because you can't do your job. 

Ma'am I am sorry that you feel that way but I do have another call on the line. Please continue to try and get a hold of Township.


[Phone call #2]

911, what's your emergency?

Yeah, um ... hi. I don't know if this the correct place to call but I live in the Wax Hill neighborhood and I think there is a dead deer here.

Sir you will have to contact township services to assist with the dead deer.

I tried calling them before I calling you but I could not get a hold of anyone.

Sir,  you will have to continue to try and get a hold township as they have a contracted service designated for the removal of carcasses. I do have another call on the line please continue to reach out to Township.


[Phone Call #3]

911, what's your emergency?

I think something has died.

Sir, can you explain what you mean?

There is a foul odor in the air. It's pungent enough to seep to shut windows and doors and into my house. 

Sir do you reside in the Wax Hill neighborhood?

Yes, how did...

Please contact township as they will help be ...

I think its coming from my neighbors house though. I tried knocking on his door to talk to him about it but I got no answer. Hell, even walking up to his house was like walking into a mist of angry flies.

Can you provide me with the address?

It's 4695 Arquette lane Zip Code 21769

We will send an officer to look into this. Please stay on the line while we get officer to you.


{Radio Call #1}

Squad 4-8 Delta Echo to 4695 Arquette lane Zip code 21679. Reports of deceased animal causing a foul smell in the Wax Hill neighborhood.

This is Squad 4-8 Delta Echo, Why am I going to investigate this, isn't this the townships job?

Reports have been coming in all day regarding this odor. The address that has been provided is the best approximate location to the source of the smell.

 Alright, Copy. En Route ETA 5 minutes.

{Over and Out}

Sir are you still with me?


Squad 4-8 Delta Echo is on its way and should arrive shortly. Please stay on the line until the officer arrives.

I will. Thank you.


Hello, the officer has arrived. Thank you.


{Radio Call #2}

This is officer 4-8 Delta Echo to Dispatch. Do you copy?

This is Dispatch

I have knocked on the door and identified myself but received no answer. The people of this neighborhood are right this smell is not right there is something else to it. The scent is strongest at the house and I will enter the premise by force.

Squad 1-7 Foxtrot X-ray is nearby do you request back up?

No, but please stand by, I have entered the premise. Upon opening the door a swam of flies flew out. Something, something is definitely wrong here.

Standing by. Copy.

Dispatch, I have searched the first floor of the house and there are appear to be sign of a struggle. The interior of the house is dimly lit as the all the windows blinds are shut. I will continue to search the house for the source of the smell.

Office 4-8. Delta Echo, can you repeat as it is hard to hear over the Static.

Dispatch, that static sound you hear, well that is the sound of the swarming flies inside the property.  It doesn't help that is a sunny day outside as it makes everything inside the house that much darker. I can also hear a low hum coming from between the windows and wood blinds, I believe that more flies. 


Dispatch, I'm heading into the basem...

Officer, is everything alright? Your last transmission has been cut off?

As I was heading down stairs the door shut itself and I fell down the stairs. I think I twisted my ankle. I'm going to search around but it black as night down here.

Dispatch to Squad 1-7 Foxtrot X-ray, please head to 4695 Arquette lane Zip code 21679 to provide support to officer 4-8 Delta Echo.


Dispatch...I found the source of the smell cancel please contact the forensics team as well.

 We have a deceased male. 

He appears to be ... mummified.

{Over and Out}

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