"Did I hear Arty?" my dad asked as he came into the foyer followed by David. My dad was headed my way to hug me, but as soon as he saw Trevon he changed direction and hugged him instead. A great, big bear hug that caused a burst of air to rush out of Trevon's lungs. So David hugged me first instead.

"Welcome, welcome," my dad said as he let go of Trevon.

"Thank you," Trevon said.

"I'm David," David said and extended a hand in greeting to Trevon. He was the first one to greet him normally.

"Trevon," Trevon said as he shook my brother's hand. "It is nice to meet you."

"Well, come on," my dad said and threw an arm around Trevon's shoulders even though Trevon was taller than him and so now my dad was tilted at a weird angle. "You can help me and David in the garage."

"Dad," David said, "I'm sure he doesn't want to work on building your wooden crate that you don't need and I have no idea why you are making it."

"It's fun, David," my dad said. I followed them as they started to the garage. "It builds character."

"It builds bruises and cuts," David said and pointed to the large bruise on the back of my dad's hand. I wondered briefly how he got it, but didn't care enough to ask. He probably hammered it be accident.

"You're coming too, right?" Trevon asked me over his shoulder.

I scoffed. "There is no way I'm going into my dad's garage. Have fun," I waved to him as my dad pulled him into the garage followed by David who shut the door behind them.

"You can help us make dinner then," Eva said. "We were just going to get started."

So I helped them make a chicken, rice, broccoli cheese dish, salad, rolls and steamed vegetables. Any chance I got, I went and listened at the door of the garage. My dad must have asked him about his major because Trevon was talking about astronomy the first time I listened. The second time I listened, my dad was trying to teach Trevon about the proper way to hold a hammer and David was refuting my dad saying Trevon was holding it correctly. The third time I listened, the three of them were laughing at something. I had no idea what they were laughing about, but it warmed my soul and made me smile.

Marie showed up not long after. She surprised me when she went into the garage to introduce herself to Trevon. None of us except David and Joseph usually went into the garage. David and Joseph would have avoided it too if they could have, but someone had to be in there to look after dad and those two at least knew what they were doing.

Joseph and Jade didn't show up until dinner was on the table. Lizzy had to work, but she would meet Trevon when we had our Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve.

"Uncle Arty!" Jade let go of her dad's hand and ran to me. I scooped her up and hugged her.

"Did you miss me?" I asked.

"Yes," she said and kissed my cheek then her arms circled around my neck and squeezed tightly while her little cheek touched mine.

"I missed you too," I said to her.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Trevon," Joseph extended a hand to my boyfriend. Trevon shook it.

"You too."

"Do you want to meet my boyfriend, Jade?" I asked.

She peeked at Trevon shyly.

"Hi," Trevon said to her. She buried her head in my shoulder.

"She must think you're handsome," Joseph said. "She only acts shy around men she thinks are handsome." Jade scowled at him and the rest of us laughed.

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