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So , I plead you all , forgive me

for all crimes I have committed

for all fights unresolved

for all initiatives not taken

for being who I have been in life

All I know that my crime is 

being born as a girl ,

having uplifted chests,

and the place between my legs....

Lacking all the testosterone ,

I don't have hair on my face

to cover my malice

My arms don't possess the strength of a mace

to fight off groups of evil

to assault them and kill .

I am not divine,

 I am only human

born as the gentle and weaker one

and that is why while everyone

is clad in black and white

adumbration ,

I lie draped in frills of flaming marigold.....

Goodbye my friends ,

as I take my leave upon this world .

Goodbye my family ,

sorry for not being the girl you would have proudly recalled.

Goodbye my love ,

sorry for failing to give all the pleasures you deserved .

Goodbye and sorry for being the woman I have been .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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