Day 2

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We all felt really bad so we went and had a meeting together at my house and we were all bored so we all decided to go out for PFC for lunch and we ate at the pizza hut for the night. But we weren't alone at the pizza hut  Mr Fudge was there to with some new mates. We were all shocked and we decided to avoid him. There was no use of avoiding him because he and his new mates came up to us and were saying how awful we are then I had to say something so I said 'do you need to the toilet or are you wet yourself again like last time' The last time he wet himself was when we went to the studios and met some famous people like Lady Poo Poo and Stupid Cole. Dr Poo love Lady Poo Poo and he goes on and on about it non stop talking about her. Anyway after that incident they left as quick as a flash not a moment to be embarrassed. Today wasn't that grumpy as other days but still it was grumpy.

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