characters of my story...😉

Start from the beginning

Suneo Honekava🙄

He is a spoiled rich kid who likes to show off his cool stuff to his friends and make them jealous

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He is a spoiled rich kid who likes to show off his cool stuff to his friends and make them jealous.

          Hidetoshi Degusuki😁

He is one of the nobita's classmates and a rival for shizuka's affection

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He is one of the nobita's classmates and a rival for shizuka's affection . Hus intelligence always gets him perfect scores on his tests , and he easily aces any sports he played. A wide range of skills plus his good looks have charmed a lot of girls in his class, and one of them is

He is a unknown creature which comes from the beyond the world

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He is a unknown creature which comes from the beyond the world . He is a magician who's  always helps nobita to rescue him from his difficulties through his magic . He is the best friend of nobita.

                 Tamako Nobi😲

                 Tamako Nobi😲

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She is nobita's mom. She is very serious about nobita's test marks
(Which are 0 most of the time)
When she finds out where nobita  hide his examination answer sheet , her punishment involves yelling, reducing his pocket money or (rarely) spanking him. She is always worrid about her weight and tries different diets to reduce it.

            Nobisuke Nobi

            Nobisuke Nobi☺

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He is nobita's dad . He is generally more tollerant towards his son , nobita, compared with his wife tamako. He also shows interest ina great varity of challenges and adventures. He is a bussiness man.

          Nobita's teacher😐

          Nobita's teacher😐

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He is nobita's teacher. He is a strict teacher who punish nobita for failing in most of the tests, being late too school, or forgetting his home - work.

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