All Moved In!

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It was your average day at Site 19, the D Class were all socializing in the cafeteria, SCPs banging on their containment doors, and the researchers doing their researchy things. Today, although, was no ordinary day for Alto Clef.

"Finally," the blonde said, dusting his hands off. He had finally moved every last box of his into his new dorm that was prepared for him at Site 19. He was pretty excited to be back at this Site, because this is where a lot of the researchers he likes to annoy work at most of the time.

The male had began to stack empty boxes, one by one, in front of his front door. One on top of another. There were so many, that it looked like Clef had been building a tiny fort to protect his front door. While he did that, another man near him stepped out of his own dorm, and closed the door.
It was a familiar face, one that Clef hadn't seen in a while. The man noticed that Alto had moved into the dorm next to his own, clenched his teeth and breathed in, and proceeded to walk away extremely fast from the blonde.

Clef took notice of the man, and his neutral facial expression turned into a big, goofy grin when he recognized the man.

"KOOOOONDRAKI!"He yelled, running towards him with his arms waving around maniacally. Yep, that was Doctor [REDACTED] Kondraki.

Kondraki had sprinted away from the other, clearly terrified, but Alto caught up to him, jumped onto him, and stopped the man in his tracks.
"Konny~"He said. Usually, he calls him that to fuck with him. "Why are you here at Site 19?"

"I.. I had to come here to do some work. I had to fly down here from Site 17, to Indiana, just to be met with the demon who haunts my nightmares. Why..." Kondraki said.

"I dunno, you tell me." He replied. Even though Kondraki can be a bitch to Clef, he didn't care, he was happy to see him. Although, Clef was pretty much a prick to him anyways. "ANNNNYYYYWAYS, Kondraki, Have a nice day and enjoy work~" Clef said, walking back to his Dorm and grabbing stacks of boxes.

He could've just done this the easy way, considering Clef was pretty lazy. But nah, he had to do it the.. Normal way? He was beyond from normal. Clef walked over to a nearby recycling bin, and stuffed the boxes into them. He dusted his hands off, and continued back to his dorm, and repeated the process.

He knew pretty much everyone here, but he was now wondering if his best friend was still at this site.

Gathering up enough courage to ask someone, he went up to the nearest doctor he could find, and knew.

Turns out the nearest person was Kondraki.

"Kon," He said, walking up to the doctor.

"Ugh, what do you want Clef?"

"Weird question, but have you seen Dr. Bright?"

"I'm pretty sure he's in a meeting with Gears, why? Y'all gay or something?"

"No, but me and Bright actually get along."

"You mean:Bright and I."

"Shut up, you Grammar Nazi." Clef walked off, heading back to his dorm. He stopped by a nearby vending machine, and proceeded to summon tons of quarters. He stuffed them into the vending machine, buying lots of snacks and drinks. And a second after all the snacks bought, Poof! The quarters vanished.

He hoarded the snacks into his arms, rushing back to his dorm before anyone noticed.

"Good thing mini fridges exist." He said to himself, setting the snacks on a nearby night stand inside his dorm. It was a nice place to live, the Foundation did a good job making these living quarters. They actually look normal for once.

He sorted snacks into two piles, one pile was to haul to his new office, and the other to keep here at his dorm.

He shoved all sorts of sodas and snack desserts into his mini fridge he was going to transfer to his office, while holding bags of chips ontop of it. The man set foot out of his dorm, holding the mini fridge in his hands, and began to jog towards where the offices were.
This took a good 30 minutes, considering the offices were a good distance away from the living quarters. At least this was good cardio for Alto though.

Finally, he was done getting everything ready for his next part of his life wasted with the damn foundation. He had arranged everything in his office to his liking.
The mini fridge was placed under his desk, a tv in the room, and secret places to hide his ukulele and guns. He felt a bit proud of himself, and sat in his new office spinny chair, and slowly drifted asleep. He was tired, so he needed this. Clef was now deep into dream land.


Word count:824
After note and this: 852

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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