Chapter 1: The Oak Room

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Carol looked up and saw Therese. 

In retrospect, the events which led Therese to the middle of the Oak Room were so overwhelming that Therese almost felt like the floor was giving way. Presented before her as if on a silver platter, was the precise moment she so desperately was waiting for. It mattered not that it was busiest dinner hour on a Friday night in a room full of strangers and socialites. Carol's instant recognition of Therese and fixed gaze upon her was enough to melt away any insecurities she might have otherwise felt. The moment was too significant for words and perhaps her jaw dropped as she attempted to process the intensity of what was happening. For young Therese, forlorn and lost, this moment was the most signficant one in her life for she had finally made a decision on her own and was following through. 

In the most graceful manner, Carol eased the situation, and Therese, by standing up and politely removing herself from the dinner party. "Excuse me," Carol said charmingly to the group at the table, "I have a previous engagement I must attend to." Carol, smiled and quickly picked up her leather purse and hurried towards her before the group at dinner could even react to what was happening. Therese stood awkwardly in the middle of the Oak Room like a lost baby deer in a den full of lions. Carol firmly took Therese's arm, said "Hello Therese," and shepherded her out of the room away from the crowd in the most protective manner. The strength of her grip on Therese's arm felt nice and reassuring as if it was all that mattered at that moment. 

Carol lead Therese into an empty corridor and leaned up against the wall squeezing Therese's hand amicably. "Thank you for coming. It means the world to me." Carol's voice which is usually self-assured and confident, wavered ever so slightly with a tender vulnerability. Therese tried to say something in return; she searched to formulate her words with intention and deliberation, yet all she could really say was,  "Carol...." followed by a long pause. She lowered her head as it was too much handle the power of Carol's lighting gray eyes which were making her own eyes mist with overwhelming emotion .

"Listen Therese," said Carol gently touching Therese's cheek, "I have a room upstairs in this hotel. Let's go there so that we can talk in a private setting." Without saying a word, Therese obidiently followed Carol as they walked down the stairs to the lobby of the hotel and made their way to the elevator. It was as if luck was on their side as they met with no trivialities or obstacles such as people trying to make petty conversation.

The exited the 6th floor and walked down a corridor of rooms and stood in front of Suite 645. Carol took out a shiny brass key from her purse and inserted it into the door all the while locking her gaze into Therese's wistful eyes. She smiled and said, "Here we go,"  and turned the key, which made a clicking noise that swung the door open to the room before them both. "After you," Carol said holding the door with her arm and making way for Therese.  At first she hesitated, breathed deeply, and took a step inside brushing past Carol. Her heart fluttered as the reality of the situation hit her in a physical way. Intuitively, she knew that stepping into the very moment she had been waiting for, would be stepping past the point of no return. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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