Chp. 8

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Longer chapter, because I felt bad about taking forever to update. I do apologize for that, I have been having issues with motivation here lately and you all are probably tired of apologies.

Anyways super cute stuff in the chapter! At least I hope you think so!


It's been a few days since the incident with Sam, and Amy seems to be taking it rather well. It surprised me, but I knew she was more worried about me than that butt head. The things he had said had hurt my feelings yes, but after spending time with Olivia and then Amy I found that they didn't bother me as much.

Speaking of Olivia, the day after everything had happened we had talked about when our date should be. It just so happens that it's in a few hours.

Sighing softly, I made my way out of my room. Amy was in the living room watching TV, her eyes landing on me as soon as I walked in. "Hey Mia Bia." She greeted me softly, making me smile and sit down next to her.

"You doing okay?" She asked, making me nod my head. She rose an eyebrow at me, making me bite my lip nervously. "I-I need your help with something."


"Stop squirming so much Mia." Amy scolded me gently. A pout formed itself upon my lips as I looked up at her. "C-Cants sits stiwws when I bowed."

"Well, you're the one that asked me to help with your make-up Bia." she retorted back, making me huff out of annoyance. I did ask her, but I didn't think she would take so long with it. 

Then again, Amy is very meticulous when it comes to certain things, make-up being one. I didn't say anything else, just sat there and waited as patient as I could. It probably wouldn't have been as terribly boring if I hadn't accidentally slipped little in the middle of the process.

After what seemed like forever, Amy finished up my make-up and smiled down at me. "Ta-da! All done." 

I looked at the mirror, finding myself go into a fit of giggles as I examined my appearance. I thought I looked really pretty, hopefully Olivia would think the same. I shook the thought from my head, not wanting to think about the possibilities she might not.

"Thankies Amy! I wooks weawwy pwetty" I exclaimed, making her laugh softly. "Of course Mia. Now do you need help with an outfit or anything else?" She asked me. I shook my head and told her that I could do the rest.

I waddled my way into my room, giggling as I saw Kimi on my bed. Picking her up gently, I made my way to the closet. "Gotta hewps me picks somefing cutes okie?" I said to her before looking through my clothes.

I settled for a light pink sweater, that was a bit to big on me, and some light blue pants. I giggled softly and managed to wiggle myself into the outfit, making sure not to ruin my makeup in the process.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I felt a twinge of anxiety arise. "W-Wha ifs Owivia f-finks I ugwy?" I asked softly, looking down at Kimi hoping for some sort of answer.

"Yous wighs Kimi, no shouwds finks dats. S-Shes gon finks I pwetty I jus knows its!" I exclaimed, before rushing out of my room.


It was roughly twenty later when a small knock was heard from the front door. I quickly stood up from my spot on the couch, ignoring Amy scolding me for checking the door while I was little, and rushed to the door to open it. I turned the knob and saw Olivia standing on the opposite side.

A smile made it's way onto her lips as she looked at me, her eyes trailing down to where Kimi was held in my hand. "Hey little one." She greeted me softly, making me giggle.

"Hewwo! Ums...ums yous tan comes ins fow a fews! I has gwabs some stuffs weaw quicks!" I told her excitedly, gently tugging on her sleeve to bring her in the appartment.

Amy looked at both of us, a small smile present on her face. "Amys I-I gots gets somes stuffs dens Owivia an m-me wiwws goes bye byes. Okie?" I asked her. Olivia glanced at me curiously, then back towards Amy.

"Okay hun, you don't have to explain to me what's going on. Just get your stuff and go have fun with your new girlfriend." Amy said teasingly, making my face heat up almost instantly. "S-She nots my giwfwen!" I exclaimed.

The small mumble of the word 'yet' was barely heard by me, making me glance at Olivia. Her cheeks were slightly pink, either from Amy's statement or her quiet one.

Amy looked rather smug on the other hand. "Whatever you say Mia Bia, go finish getting ready." I nodded my head and looked over at Olivia nervously. "W-Wanna comes sees my woom?" I asked her softly, slowly starting to fidget. She nodded and I grabbed her sleeve, walking her towards my room.

"Ta-das." I said when I walked into my room, looking at Olivia nervously. She smiled when she saw my room, making me feel less nervous.

"It's really cute in here. I kind of expected it to look something like this, it's very you. I don't know if that made any sense." Olivia said, making me giggle at the sudden awkwardness she was showing. It was different to say the least, due to her normally portraying the least awkward out of the two of us.

"Thankies." I told her, grabbing my bag as I did so. Quickly opening it up to place my essentials inside such as Kimi, my paci, wallet and even my keys. I closed it and looked over at Olivia expectantly.

"Ready to go cutie?" She asked, earning a quick nod from me.


"Whoas!" I exclaimed, looking around the small pastry shop that we walked into. Olivia laughed softly, moving her hand to rest on the small of my back. The feeling of butterflies in my tummy rose, but I tried my hardest to ignore it.

We stopped here because according to Olivia they make really yummy cake pops. We're supposed to go to the movies as well, but that was the furthest thing on my mind at the moment.

"You can only have one okay? I don't want you to get too hyper before the movies." Olivia said, making me giggle. "Awe they yummys?" I asked her quietly so no one could hear besides her.

"You've never had one?" She asked, making me shake my head. They did look yummy, but lots of stuff look yummy and turn out to be very gross. Olivia made a small humming noise, and then looked at me. "How about you go sit down, and I'll pick one out for you?"

I nodded my head, slowly starting to making my way over to a small table nearby. Tapping on the table once I sat down, I found myself getting lost in thought. 'Owivia seems wikes she wouwds be a goods m-' I quickly tried to rid myself of my thoughts, finding my cheeks to feel warm yet again.

I silently scolded myself, not even noticing Olivia walked over to where I was. "Here we are, something sweet for someone just as sweet." She said while handing me the stick that the small dessert was on.

My face scrunched up as I heard her say that. "Tha was bads." I said while giggling. She playfully rolled her eyes, a small smile resting itself on her lips.

I turned my attention to the cake pop, trying to figure out the best way to eat it. Finally figuring it out, I opened my mouth and took a small bite. The sudden urge to squeal arose, I didn't realize how yummy these were gonna be.

"So what's the verdict hun?" Olivia asked me, already knowing what the answer was going to be. "Supew goods! Thankies M-Owivia."

Oh my gosh.

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