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Dex: how do you get revenge Linh?

Linh: you dont. you just forgive and forget

Dex: Tam, how do you get revenge?

Tam: Stab. Eliminate. Destroy

Fitz: When Sophie says she wants to take me out, what does that mean?

Marella: Food delivery

Biana: Going on a date

Tam: Murder

Keefe: Why not all three?
okay but like...sophitz goes on a date and they eat food delivery...then sophie kills fitz—

Kidnapper: I have your boyfriend

Sophie: i dont have a boyfriend ??

Kidnapper: then whos the hot dude who is acting stupid and confessed his love for you to me for some reason?

Sophie: oh my god you have keefe

Keefe: *wearing inflatable dinosaur costume and a flapper dress with pirate accessories on top*

Sophie: you cant wear that to the battle

Keefe: rEspeCt tHe DriP kaRen

yeah thats old but i couldnt help it

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