Entrance Exam

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"Tell me again why you think that Thirteen can beat Endeavor again?" Akatani asked, as they walked under an underpass.

"Duh. Black hole. Vacumn. No air, no fire. Plus Thirteen can just turn him into dust and no more Endeawhore." Mikumo jeered.

The manhole behind them burst open, and Midoriya whirled around.

"Holy. What is that?!" Akatani shrieked, as a pile of goop oozed up into an inhumane looking lump. A large, yellow eye looked back at them.

The figure said something, but neither of them heard it. Akatani was already running off, as Mikumo calculated the best way to defeat him.

"Eyes! It's solid!" He shrieked, smacking Akatani mentally on the head and shook him, "HIT IT!"

Midoriya pivotted on one leg, swinging his fist around and smashed it into the eye of the sludge monster. Due to his own velocity, the fist crashed into him, and the man made of sludge was knocked out.

"That is utterly disgusting." Akatani blanched.

"No doubt. Bleh." Mikumo stuck out his tongue.

"But he's a villain? He seems pretty weak."

"Most minor villains are. They just think they're all high and mighty with their quirks and never strategize."


"Have no fear! For I am here!" They heard a voice, and Yagi, as All Might, popped up from the man hole that the sludge monster had emerged from.

"A bit late, don't you think?" Midoriya grumbled, and rolled his eyes. They were still fans of All Might, sure, but with the circumstances of their quirks...

"My apologies, young man. I'm rather new to this city, and he lost me in the sewers." Yagi remorsefully said, before turning to the Sludge villain. "Speaking of which... did you knock him out?"

"Yep. Punched em in the eye. Self defence. No quirk usage." Midoriya quickly rambled, in defence. He wanted to be a hero, dammit. He did not want to get tangled up in the laws at this point in time.

"I don't see any quirk usage, so I'll take your word for it." Yagi nodded, before starting to scoop the sludge villain into two very conviniently placed two litre soda bottles.

Midoriya hurriedly dug into his bag, fishing out his notebook with his hero notes on All Might, sheepishly handing it to Yagi after he managed to secure the villain.

"Excuse me... can you... sign this please?" He asked, as Yagi slipped the two bottles into the pockets on his pants.

"Of course." The hero took the notebook, and while he would normally just give him a huge signature scrawled across two pages, he paused when he saw a dmall sketch of himself on the paper. He carefully looked at the information written on the page, before signing in the corner of the page.

"Here." He passed the book back, "Those are really detailed notes. Are you aiming to be a pro hero?"

"Mhm!" Midoriya grinned. He really didn't want this conversation to spiral into something about his quirk, so he quickly grabbed his phone.

"Ah! I'm gonna be late! Bye, All Might!" He quickly ran out of the tunnel, while Yagi stood there, dumbfounded.

"Well... that is refreshing..." Yagi mused. It was nice to see someone act normally towards him, especially since he almost got flocked by rabid fans and reporters almost every day.

He quickly headed towards the nearest police station.


"How exactly do you plan to get into the hero course without a quirk? You can't break robots." Bakugou raised an eyebrow.

Unknown to Bakugou, at the very same time, Akatani asked, "So.. how are we gonna pass the entrance exam? Our quirks aren't usable for this."

"Um, hacking? Aiming at the joints? Saving people? There's tons of things we can do." Mikumo replied to Akatani, unaware that he had said that outloud.

Bakugou stopped walking, and Mikumo paused when he realised what he said.

"We? What do you mean, we? Who are you with?!" Bakugou snared, poking his finger into Midoriya's chest, his other habd popping with explosions.

"You and me, of course!" Mikumo hurriedly covered up, "You don't just have to destroy stuff, you know."

"Tch. Nerd. You better get in or I'll kill you." Bakugou grumbled.

Just then, neither Akatani nor Mikumo realised that they were about to trip over a rock. He flailed as he felt himself falling forward, and then, all of a sudden, he stopped falling.

"Whew! You're alright! It would be bad if you fell! That would bring you bad luck!" A girl grinned, as she uprighted him, "See ya!"

"Who is she?" Akatani asked, "Do we know her?"

"Nope." Mikumo shook his head, "No freaking idea."

"Hey, nerd! Don't get your head in the fucking clouds just cause you saw a girl, idiot." Bakugou snorted, whacking him on the head.

"Shut it, Kacchan!" Akatani hissed, and the two ended up mock wrestling as the other students steered clear of them as they walked into UA to take the examination.


The UA exams weren't really that hard. Mikumo was done in pretty much half the time, and spent the rest of his time trying to teach Akatani everything ranging from math to physics to the arts.

"No, you cannot write that!"

"I write what I want! This is my body!"

"Yeah? And I'm the reason your body is functioning, idiot!" Mikumo hissed, right as Yamada announced that the written portion was over.

They were all seated in some kind of auditorium, as Yamada started explaining the practical exam to them.

Mikumo yawned. Robots, bash the robots, get points, yada yada yada.

Nothing new. UA had the same exam every year. It was pretty obvious at this point.

He tapped his feet against the ground, bored. He twiddled his thumbs. He ran his fingers through his hair. He twisted his head one way, then the other, eliciting cracking noises when he did so.

"Sir! There are four faux villains printed here and you only mentioned three!? Why is this such a mistake! And you!" He pointed at Midoriya, who was currently folding the piece of paper with the villains written on it into origami, "You're not taking this seriously! Why are you here!?"

"Cause I'm trying to be a hero? Duh." Mikumo replied, rolling his eyes, "Also, tone your voice down. You're even more annoying than this voice in my head, and that's saying a lot."

He flipped the boy with glasses off, before resumed fiddling with his paper.


"DEKU WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" Bakugou roared.

"What!?" Mikumo asked, "I didn't do anything!"

"You fucking made the zero pointer explode!?"

"So what!? It was gonna kill us?!" Akatani roared, mentally gesturing to Mikumo and himself.

"Us!? Who the fuck is the other person!?" Bakugou hissed, glaring at Midoriya menacingly.

Akatani cursed inwards at his slip up, as Mikumo quickly pushed Akatani out of control to cover his mistake, "That brown haired girl with a gravity quirk! She was trapped under rubble! You expected me to not save her!?"


"I told you! Hacking it!" Mikumo shot back, "Weren't you listening this morning!?"

"Idiot! I meant how did you fucking hack it!?"

"Did no one ever teach you sentence structure?! And you're playing the pronoun game! How the heck was I supposed to know what you were talking about!?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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