Chapter 1

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Tony Stark. Visionary. Genius. American Patriot. Even from an early age, the son of legendary weapons developer Howard Stark quickly stole the spotlight with his brilliant and unique mind. At age four, he built his first circuit board. At age six, his first engine. And at 17, he graduated summa cum laude from MIT. Then, the passing of a titan. Howards Stark's lifelong friend and ally, Obadiah Stane, steps in to help fill the gap left by the legendary founder, until, at age 21, the prodigal son returns and is anointed the new CEO of Stark Industries. With the keys to the kingdom, Tony ushers in a new era for his father's legacy, creating smarter weapons, advanced robotics, satellite targeting. Today, Tony Stark has changed the face of the weapon's industry by ensuring freedom and protecting America and her interests across the Globe.

 Today, Tony Stark has changed the face of the weapon's industry by ensuring freedom and protecting America and her interests across the Globe

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The video ends and I clap in my seat, along with everybody else in the room, next to Obadiah. I look to my right to see my father's seat empty and look to my left at Obadiah. He gives me a questioning look and I just shake my head at him in annoyance.

"I told you I was going to have to accept this award for him," I sighed out.

"I know, I was just hoping that this time would be different," He said as he continued clapping with everyone.

"The award ceremony is in Vegas. In what world would this have been different," I questioned him as Rhodey stepped up to the podium to present the award.

"As liaison to Stark Industries, I've had the privilege of serving with a real patriot. He is my friend and he is my great mentor. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present this year's Apogee Award to Mr. Tony Stark," Rhodey announced, causing everyone to start clapping.

Obi started looking around in hopes that Tony would suddenly appear and I looked over at him with my eyebrows raised in an I told you so motion.

"Just give me the word," I told him simply.

"Tony," Rhodey said again, his face starting to flush in embarrassment.

He looked over towards the two of us, causing Obi and I to shake our heads at him. Everybody continued to clap as Rhodey's face changed to annoyance at my father's absence.

"Get up there kid," Obi whispered to me, causing me to stand from my seat and give a big smile as I walked up to the podium and accepted the award from Rhodey.

I took the award from his hand and hugged him, causing him to whisper a thank you in my ear. I gave him a nod before turning to the podium while admiring the award.

"Thank you, Colonel. This is beautiful. Thank you. Thank you all very much. This is wonderful. Well, obviously, I'm not my father, Tony Stark," I said, causing everybody to laugh at me in amusement. "But, if I were my father, I would tell you how honored I feel and what a joy it is to receive this very prestigious award. My father, you know... the thing about him is also the worst thing. He's always working..."

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