Gokuu and Momo's Family Life

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(Probably Canon... Yeah  it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), deal with it (No longer cannon))

Morning sweetie- Momo said tiredly

Hey Momo, how are you-Goku asks even more tired

Ugh tired, sad that we have to have to work, but giving up hero work for you, Gohan, Goten, and Humi have been and still the best decision I've ever made-Momo said

But anyway I got to get to the dojo, Todoroki is meeting me there- Goku said

Goku put on his gi

Well then You don't have to go-Momo said seductively

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Well then You don't have to go-Momo said seductively

I want to do you badly but I can't leave Shouto waiting, but you better be naughty when I get back-Goku said

-To the Hermit Dojo-

SHOUTO-Goku yelled

Oh, Goku it's been too long-Todoroki replied

Yeah, well how have you been-Goku asks

I've been good well anyway, I heard that you need some help today-Todoroki said

Well my students need some help charging their power and you're as good as me and you can explain it better than me -Goku said

Anyway let's go -Goku said

-To the training grounds-

All right as you see we have the number 3 *soon to be fourth* best hero Shouto, hey will show and help you attain the charging technique-Goku said

AUGGGHHH-Todoroki yelled as a red and white aura appeared around him

The class was in awe as to see his power

Now then contain your power in your chest and abdominal region and store it there when you feel like you're about to burst let it all go and that is how you do it-Todoroki explains

After trial and error, some students were able to do it

Hey sensei, if you don't mind, could you and Shouto spar for us- Uub asks

Well up shouto, full power-Goku asks

Okay then-Todoroki replies

After the crowd clears out got powers up as a white aura wraps around him 

After the crowd clears out got powers up as a white aura wraps around him 

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Then Todoroki uses both his sides

Well if this doesn't bring back memories I don't know what will- Goku said

Yeah I guess you could say that 1st-year sports festival, you beat my ass with the same form - Todoroki said

They dash at each other and clash with punches and kicks the fly into the air his fighting and Goku notices that Todoroki was speeding up and it was kinda hard to dodge even UI omen

Wow shouto you're really something-Goku admits

You too Goku after all this time you still able to amaze me-Todoroki said

They keep fighting and their punches can be felt all throughout Hosu city

Vegeta, Bakugou, Midoriya, Kirishima, Kaminari, and almost everyone in the former class 1-A felt the shockwaves and power from Goku and Todorok's punches

Utaka, Goten, and Humi also felt the waves and they really didn't like it

Oh no, Mina hold Goten and Humi for me, I know what'll calm him down-Momo said

Wait what's happening- Mina asked

Goku is sparring, with Todoroki-Momo explained

Utaka and Goten cried that Momo and Mina, Humi was still asleep, Momo and Mina thought the shock waves got was louder the more Todoroki and Goku's fight

Dammit Kakarot-Vegeta said

Goku I think we should stop-Todoroki said

why-Goku asked

And realized that he was in mastered ultra instinct and the town was in some panic

Oh know momo is gonna let me have it this time-Goku pouted

Well I think we should end today's lesson here-Todoroki insisted

Yeah but not before I say something-Goku replied

Goku and Todoroki fly down and everyone is in shock

Well, students, I think it is about time to say this, Today was your last lesson with me-Goku announced

What but Goku what do you mean by the last lesson-Uub yelled

Well Uub you're the new sensei I've seen your true power and I think you are more than capable to handle this, I made a deal with myself and now it's time for me to fulfill it, I am returning to my hero work, goodbye class, goodbye Majuub- Goku said

-To when Goku returns home-

When he opens the door he sees an angry Momo

Heyyyyyy, babe-Goku said

Don't heyyy babe me Goku-Momo said

Uuhhh sorry-Goku said

Momo goes ssj2 and punches Goku


So how was everyone's day- Gohan asks

Goku stays silent

Hey dad what was with all those shockwaves today everyone at school thought it was an earthquake I had to explain to them that it was you, so now the teacher wants you to come to class tomorrow-Gohan said

Well I gave my sensei Title to Uub today-Goku said

What- Gohan and momo said

Yeah I remember before we fought cell that I said that I wanted to spend some time off duty with you guys well it's my time to repay myself and return to the front lines- Goku said

-after dinner-

Hey Goku, STRIP-momo demanded

Wha-Goku asked

(Lemon, don't judge this is the first time I've done it)

Momo striped Goku to the last piece of clothing

She pushed him on the bed lowered herself to Saiyan Land

OHHH yes, yes, yes Goku- momo yells

She thrusts up and down on him and Goku freed himself and took control of the event

He threw her onto the bed and thrust into her as hard as he could

Momo went super Saiyan 2 and went as hard as he did

Goku in return went blue kaioken x20 and going faster and stronger

He was nowhere close to edging and had a lot more in him

The night went on and on and Gohan was the Most traumatized from it

Kami save us-Gohan whispered

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