•julian- you're suffering because of me

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•• hi so uh if you guys have a request comment them on the requests chapter! I'll write all of them :)  until then most of these are going to be angst because I'm a sad person hah

     I sit on the window seat, wrapped up in a chunky knitted blanket and sipping hot tea. I lean my feverish head against the cold glass of the window. I haven't been able to sleep for nights on end. Julian insists that he has things to do. Though, I know he's just getting himself into trouble and not wanting me around to witness his own depreciating habits. He hasn't came home in a couple of days. I feel exhausted and sick but my mind will never go to rest. I stir my now lukewarm tea with my finger and drain the rest within a couple of sips. In an attempt to cool down I tie my hair back into a long ponytail. Then, I continue my nightly act of sitting with my head against the window.

     I sit there for an hour or two, lost in thought.  All of a sudden the door opens and Julian ducks in through the doorway. He has an open wound on his cheek.

"Jul-," I begin.

I stop as soon as I begin to speak. My voice is so hoarse and quiet, as I haven't spoke in a few days. Julian rushes to my side.


I lift my head off the window's cool glass and subtly tilt my head.

"Darling you look as if you haven't slept in days..," he says concernedly.

"Well that would be," I stop to cough,"that would be because I-I haven't."

He visibly tenses,"A-and why is that?"

"I can't sleep without you here Julian."

"You uh- you can't?"

I lower my head, shake it, and start into a coughing fit. Julian rushes over to me and rubs my back gently.

"Ah yes," he begins," lack of sleep brings illness."

"I shouldn't have left you Y/N..."

     He sits down next to me and brings me into a warm embrace. I rest my head on his chest and my eyes flutter shut. A sense of calmness washes over me and I immediately drift to sleep within seconds in his arms.

Julian's pov

     I pull her into a hug and before I know it she's completely passed out. I feel terribly guilty that I'm the reason for her insomnia. I lift her up from the window seat and walk towards the bedroom. Gently, I lay her down on the bed and wrap the knitted blanket around her, as well as a thin sheet. I sit down on the bed next to her and exhaustion comes quickly. I lay down, leaving all the blankets for her. I wrap my arms around her delicate body and drift away to a sleep full of nightmares.

     When I wake up, she's still knocked out cold. I carefully remove my arms from her and lift myself off the bed. The sun shines through the windows. I draw the curtains and see the mess of teacups on the window seat. I pick them all up and gently clean each one, placing them back into the cupboard. I bring a small mix of herbs and broth together and then put it over heat for a few minutes. I grab a spoon from the drawer and place it into the bowl. I place the steaming soup on the table and don't bother to leave a note. I glance back to where my beloved rests. I really do love her most dearly, but I need my answers. I put on my coat and boots. Finally, I slip out of the front door as quietly as possible. This time I may not be coming back.

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