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"I'm me" was the answer, it was the only one I had. My parents called me Child and I knew that was not a name but what I was. Others in the pack called me runt, urchin, useless, but a proper name I was without. The faces around me shown various emotions, all shown shock but some anger, another sadness, and yet another pity. "This is outrageous! You are a member of this pack and as so you must be treated with respect by all members" The old man stated. At this point, I had regained enough of myself that I could get a good look around and was amazed. Everywhere were books, on high large shelves, on the tables, stacked on chairs. Some were being written and some being bound. It was heaven and I was sure I had died and these persons around me were angels. In fact, that very question was asked, "Are you, angels because this is heaven". From negative emotions expected, suddenly laughter erupted.

"No, no you have fallen into the archive." The old man stated. "I am Elder North." He then turned to his right and said: "This is Elder Seac". Turning to his left, "This is Elder Eecho". Turning me around he introduced me to that wispy soft voice "And this is Lady Elizabeth, former Luna of Pack Wulfe".

"How do ye do" I stated softly with my head bowed.

"So child we now know how you found us but why did you think this is heaven" Elder Seac asked. I found myself craning my neck to look at his chin, I had been told that one must NEVER EVER look a higher rank in the eyes so a chin was a perfect place to fix my eyes. He was so tall and large with a voice that was deep as a canyon, I was transfixed.

"I read".

With those simple words, the Elders again erupted. "You can read", "You want to read", "How", "Who". Elder North again called for quiet, "Child, who taught you to read"?

"I did", gasps were heard as the Elders froze. "Did I do something wrong?" Terrified I had broken a rule and was going to be tossed back up the stairs and I would do anything to remain here, tears began to flow.

"No child, you did nothing wrong. It's just so few wish to know what is in these tomes and certainly no one as young as you." Elder Eecho reassured me. He too was large but his voice was coarse as if he had been to close to a fire. "We are all just shocked that you would think this heaven."

Sniffling "Please let me stay. I'll do anything." I cried out before another word could pass their lips. I knew if I went back up those stairs I would die, but if I could stay here, here I had a chance. "I know I am just a runt, who has no name, but I am strong and willing to do whatever it takes to stay. Please please don't make me go back." Tears resumed running down my face, I had not noticed but Lady Elizabeth had.

"Child, be calm. We would not send you back, obviously, you are meant to be with us." She stated as she lifted me from the table where Elder North had set me to check my injuries. As a werewolf, I healed quickly but if I had had a broken bone and it had not been properly set, it might have healed improperly. "Now how old are you?"

Not knowing the date of my birth but I did remember someone saying that I was the same age as Alpha's youngest, so that would make me. "Three."

Once again there were gasps and exclamations about in their day, but my focus was on Lady Elizabeth for she began to cry. It scared me, what had I done or said that caused this, I knew it was my fault, it had been drummed into my head often enough. Suddenly that soft wispy voice broke the cacophony, "Mine". 

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