Chapter One

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Lilo's POV-

It was all going so well. A huge wave was coming my way and it was all mine. Michael, or Mickey, as in Mickey Mouse, to me, was sitting on the beach reading a horror book of some kind. I really did love Bondi. It was big yeah but it was amazing. You also knew you were in safe hands with the boys in blue wandering around.

The wave got bigger and closer. If I got this right it would be amazing. I put all my dad had taught me in to action. I paddled out and prepared myself. The next few seconds were a blur but I knew that the wave was epic and I was riding it. It was a big thing to me. But the next thing I knew was dull pain building up. I couldn't see or hear anything. My body felt as if it was floating but I wasn't sure. What was happening? My head hurt like hell, I was really confused. I could feel someone taking hold of my arms and dragging me up the beach.

"Hello? What's her name?" I could finally hear again but I still couldn't see. Something was placed on my face, oxygen mask.

"Lilo. Her names Lilo." Mickey replied. His voice was anxious. The guy radioed to the tower.

"We need an ambo." His voice was urgent. Someone felt for my pulse at my wrist and another put a brace around my neck.

"Hey Lilo. Wake up please." Mickey begged. I forced my eyes to open but they wouldn't, the pain in my head just took over.

"When you found her was she facing in the water?" Someone to my right asked.

"Yeh, she wasn't in there long." Mickey said. I had a sudden urge to cough something up. My eyes shot open as liquid flowed in to the mask. An oldish looking lifeguard took the mask off. My head was feeling terrible. I rolled on my side and coughed up more sea water. The guy gave me back the oxygen.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I breathed deeply.

"My head is in so much pain." He nodded.

"Can you feel your hands?" I nodded.

"Everything's fine except from my head." He nodded again. He sat me up and I put my head between my knees.

"Do you remember what happened?" I shook my head. I didn't remember anything. I heard sirens in the background, but they were far away. "My name is H by the way." I ran my hand through my hair. "You come here often?" He asked.

"Every year." I mumbled. I started to feel really ill and my head somehow got worse. Next thing I knew my whole body was shaking and my eyes rolled in. I was left in darkness.

"Lilo, stay with me." Mickey said supporting my head on the sand. I couldn't hear again or feel anything. The blackness was terrifying.

I woke up with a jolt. My room was dark except from the light Micky was giving from his phone. His gaze met mine as I sat up. We shared a room because our dad couldn't get a very good, well paid job here. Mickey isn't normally here but he's on holiday and then taking me to Bondi. I had found a cheap house by the beach. Mickey had an apartment. The place was nice and it was average price, my dad forced me to let him pay half, so I paid the other.

"Bad dream?" Mickey asked. I nodded. He was 2 years older than me. Mickey stood up and came and sat on my bed next to me, hugging me. I nestled my head in to his chest. I was ok, just annoyed that these dreams kept coming back for no reason.

"It just feels like a dream now." I laughed.  Running my hand through my hair I sighed and yawned.

"Get some sleep. You've packed right?" I nodded. We were leaving tomorrow. Last time we went up to Bondi, a few months ago, we bought some stuff down and put them in my new house. All I needed now was to unpack my boxes and bags. Then I could call it home.

"What about you?" I asked looking up at him. He nodded.

"Just my stuff I bought. You excited?" I nodded and smiled. The only downside is the travelling. "Get some sleep." Mickey slapped my back and went back to his bed. I shuffled down and closed my eyes. I was really excited to be going back to Bondi. My mind soon drifted in to a nice deep sleep. I didn't know how I got to sleep because of my stomach and its butterflies.

"Bye dad!" I screamed as he kissed me on my cheek.

"Good luck! Call me when you get there ok?" I nodded and followed Mickey out to his surfer van. We were driving down but it was worth it. My board was in the back with all our luggage. I rested my head on my hand as we set out to Bondi. I wasn't sure what was going to happen there but I knew that it was the right choice. Mickey turned on the radio. 'In the summer time' was playing. I liked that song it always reminded me of Bondi. I didn't know why but it did.

"Isn't it your birthday on Wednesday?" Micky said briefly looking at me and then returning his gaze to the road. I laughed.

"Yeh my 19th." Mickey breathed in through his teeth. Then laughed.

"You getting old!" He joked. I laughed and looked at my twitter. Nothing interesting. I typed 'Bondi you are my home!'

"Do you work with H?" I asked. It was weird that I had never asked anything about his work. He nodded.

"Yeh old man. There's others like Kerrbox, Hoppo, Harris. They are all really nice guys. Think you'll like Tom, he's like you." I nodded. Wasn't sure what he meant by that though. Right now on my mind was the fact that last night didn't sleep and now I'm paying for it.

I opened my eyes to see Bondi beach go past. I caught a glimpse of H. His unmistakable bald head. I laughed to myself, he hadn't changed a bit. My house was only about 3 minutes away from the beach.

"We are here!" Mickey announced. I clapped my hands and hopped out. Opening the back of the van, I stopped and looked at the beach. I couldn't wait to get down there. I grabbed my bags and got my key out. Inside the place was nice and tidy, I knew it wouldn't last long.

"Hurry up, you can do that later." Mickey ushered me. I got my boarding shorts, bikini and short sleeved wet suit tee, ran in to the bathroom to change. I rushed out to find Mickey smiling.

"What?" I asked smiling too. I jumped up and down. "I'm excited." He laughed. I actually really loved his laugh. It was really adorable.

"Come on we have better get going." I wandered out the door and started towards the beach, Mickey following behind.

"Good luck!" Mickey said running off to the tower. I waved him off and walked down the boat ramp to where a crowd of lifeguards and other people were. There weren't many people here; it was getting late so I wasn't surprised.

I walked up to a small life guard. I recognised him from somewhere but I wasn't sure where.

"You here for the trials?" He asked I nodded. "Name?"

"Lilo Jenkinson." He nodded and ticked my name off. Others were waiting nervously by the water, stretching.

"Oh, Mouse's brother?" I looked at him confused. "Michael Jenkinson. His nickname is Mouse." I laughed.


"Kerrbox. Weren't you the girl a few years back who got knocked out by the surf board? Saved by H?"

"Yeh I am, still coming back." I laughed. "Mickey, or mouse to you, told me he worked with you." He smiled and signalled for me to go to stand with everyone else.

"Ok everyone. On your marks." We got ready to run in the water and then swim back. "Get set, GO!" The next few minutes were a blur of water and people. When I got out the water I was the second person there. Second, I wasn't expecting that, I was expecting last to be honest. Already standing there was a boy, around my age, catching his breath. When he stood up he pushed back his brown hair. I smiled. Why was I smiling? Did I like him?

"Wow Lilo. You're good! Only girl on the team!" Kerrbox said when I got to them. "Adriel, Lilo. Come tomorrow. You guys are on the team." It all happened so fast really. One minute I was running in to the water, next I was going to tell my brother I was on the team. Kerrbox high fived me and I wandered to the tower.

~New story!!! BONDI guys! So tell me what you think! The picture is Beatrice King who is Lilo. But of course with light brown hair. Comment if you want to be in it!~

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