My heart began to drop on her words, we'll be executing two of my brothers and the woman I love with them.

We got to the place that they'll be executed. A couple of men with their guns ready, I looked up to see krell was watching from the building.

Gamora's pov
They set them up  as dogma walks up to us "Will the prisoners request to be blindfolded?" He asked. No one answered "I'll take that as a no"

"I hope you can live with yourself, dogma" fives wispered in anger.

"Ready weapons" they ready their weapons.

"Never thoughts we'd go out this way" Jesse says loosing all hope

"Aim" they aimed.

I sighed someone has to says this "wait this is wrong, and we all know it." I told them "the General is making a mistake, and he needs to be called on it. No one not even clones should have to go out this way! You are all loyal soilders, you follow order, but you are not a bunch of unthinking droids! You are men, you must be trusted to make the right decisions, especially when the orders you are giving are wrong"


I close my eyes getting ready for my finale I heard blast but nothing happened. I open and realize I'm still alive and so is fives and Jesse. The boy drop their weapons. As they took off our cuffs.

Fives looks at me and gives me a big hug and I hugged him back. I looked to Jesse as he just stands there awkwardly but I walked up to him and hugged him. We was stiff but he relaxed and hugged me.

Then Rex walks up to us as I ran up to him and gave him and put my arms around his neck to give him as hug as he hugs me back. I can feel him squeeze tightly. That's when I knew he's not ready to let me go. We broke the hug and looked up at the tower.

Rex's pov

Krell asked for dogma and I to meet him in the bridge I wonder what this is bout to. When we got up there he was looking out the window.

"You wanted us sir?"

"I ordered commander wise and those clones to be destroyed." Krell turns to face me in anger "you are making a mistake by crossing me, clone"

I glared at him "it's captain sir"

"General, there's an incoming transmission" a trooper tell him.

"Put it through" he orders.

"General the umbarans have stepped up theirs offensive, we're holding them off, but their squadrons have ambushed one of our platoons seizing weapons and uniforms be believe they may be planning to launch a massive attack"

Krell looks at me with a stern look "looks like you have your stay of execution for nod lock the traitors in the brig and prepare your platoons to move out immediately. We need to preempt the enemy by hitting them now with everything we've got. We're finally going to take the capital. And captain, make sure your troops are aware that the enemy may disguise themselves as clones to try to trick us"

"I will sir" I glanced at dogma. What ever it is he'll be planning to do. I'll find out.

Later my troops and I were searching for bumbarians dresses up as clone. But suddenly they came out and started shoot at us. I noticed a dead trooper I ran to the body and pulled off his helmet.

"What?" I couldn't believe it, he's a clone. I have to warn them "everyone stop fireing! We're shooting at our own men. They're not umbarans they're clones. Take off your helmets. Show them your not the enemy" I took off my helmet as everyone stoped Fireing.

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