journal entry 5

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Entry #5: Antioch, April 22, 201, Evening

You are probably thinking about how we got here. You know after the figure warned the Parthians well what we did was hunt him down and that was the end of that. We pretended to be merchants and failed so we just knocked them out and ran for it, we also stole the clothes. Now we have reached Rome. And we are trading silk for tons of gold. However, we don't know if we can bring it back, after all, it is really heavy and the Parthians will be suspicious. Wait, right we have to make an alliance with Rome. (long story short, we made some trust.) then I realized something, I have to go back, and after knocking out the guards, I don't think they will be happy to see me. So I just have to do it again. I ask Lee Wang and he says he is going to stay. So I go back and for the first time in months, I see my mom, dad, brothers once again.

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