"The files said that somebody saw a fifth girl with you"

"Well, that might have been one of the sacrifices" The shorter said with an apologetic look, she knew that after being in the house there was a part of her that was dehumanized, desensitized, that the whole sacrificing thing was normal to her.

"So, she does kill girls to gain youth" Seulgi concluded.

"Mostly men, but yes... she has killed some girls before" Wendy added.

"Wait... I just realized..." The hunter whispered, making the other confused. "Why are you answering everything? Didn't you pledge loyalty to Irene? This can be considered as betrayal..."

"I have nothing to lose, I want to get out of here, and I believe you can free us, Seulgi"

Joy paced outside Irene's door, questioning for the millionth time if it was a good idea to overhear her conversations. It was a usual thing that she started doing over a year ago, she would stand in front of Irene's door and wait to be brave enough to get closer and put her ear on it.

She sighed, she's never been caught on doing it before, but any day can be the difference. "You can do this" She cheered and proceeded to spy on the leader witch. She heard pacing, sighing and finally some words.

"I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep up with this..." Joy heard Irene talking to another woman.

"But you want this, you want her" The mysterious woman said, she was trying to convince the leader.

"Yes, but drag four poor girls to hell with me? They have nothing to do with this... I tried to save them" It seemed like the witch was talking about her and the others.

"You are dragging them because you were weak... if you wouldn't have asked them to stay, they will all be dead anyway"

With that phrase, Joy was sure, she was indeed talking about them. Before becoming the 'witches' they are today, they were nothing but sacrifices. Irene lured them inside the house like she did with all of her victims and right before killing them, she asked if they wanted to join her. They were the only girls who actually accepted her offer.

"I offered them to join me, they accepted. How was that weak? They obey" Irene said and Joy rolled her eyes.

"You didn't come all the way just to recruit some girls... if I recall, you're in this mess because of Kang"

"Kang? What's a Kang?" Joy asked to herself, furrowing her brows.

"She's going to fix up this mess... just you wait" The leader confidently said.

"She better, because I'm starting to question your witch skills"

Joy had enough overhearing the conversation so she headed back to the kitchen were Wendy and Seulgi were still talking. Once she got there, she motioned the girls to join her in a small circle.

"I overheard Irene talking with some lady... it was something I never heard before" The taller girl whispered.

"Well, say it already" Wendy hurried.

"Long story short she talked about some Kang, so if we can find whatever-"

"Wait... Kang?" Seulgi interrupted.

"You know what that is?" Joy asked, hopeful.

"Kang is my family name" The hunter explained, Wendy and Joy looked at each other.

"You...?" The shortest girl asked, confused.

"How can it be you if you just arrived? We've been trapped in here for years..." The tallest girl did her best trying to understand and tie the clues, but she couldn't.

The witch of ReveFestival | seulreneWhere stories live. Discover now